Nieuw Zeeland: Rudolf Steiner school zonder computers
zondag, 13 oktober 2013 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Bron: Ingezonden brief over een Rudolf Steiner school in Nieuw Zeeland waar mobieltjes verboden zijn en waar computers pas in 'class 8', wanneer de kinderen 14 jr zijn, gebruikt worden.
11 okt. 2013
'Dear N. (naam bekend bij StopUMTS),
Students are not allowed to use cell-phones in our school.
We do not use any information technology in our Lower School. As a Rudolf Steiner School this is a clear point of difference from mainstream schools in New Zealand. For us it is a positive choice for a hands on education – real interactions with real people and authentic experiences. Also being sedentary and sitting for significant lengths of time in a field of radiation we do not see as conducive to children’s good health or well-being. We believe the right place for introducing and using information technology in our school is in the High School years - for us this begins in class 8 when students are turning 14 and have developed the critical faculties necessary for engaging with this technology in a healthy way.
In our experience our children do not ”miss the technology boat” but develop other capacities for creative thinking and imagination in the early years. The boat takes off without difficulty later on. Many of our parents work in the IT industry and consciously choose our education for the absence of computers in the early years and a healthy relationship to them in the High School.
Currently all our computers are hard-wired. This has been a conscious choice. Our students are not required to bring their own devices but some class twelve students do bring their own laptops. They are asking for wireless connections but because of the potential health issues we are taking a cautious approach. We have many parents interested in this issue, especially the health implications, and we are doing our best to keep abreast of current research.
If you think our school may be an option for you I would suggest registering your children on our waiting–list as soon as possible – we do have full classes in most years however currently we do have places in both our Class 8 and Class 4 (children turning 10 this year). You would of course have to want a Steiner Education which is a much bigger picture than the approach to technology!
All the best with your search.
Kind regards,
S. (naam bekend bi StopUMTS)
Zie ook het overzicht in:
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