Denemarken:Poging van de telecom industrie om LF EMV onderzoek te stoppen

vrijdag, 27 september 2013 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

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26 sept. 2013

The Shrill Cry
To Stop EMF Research

The Melatonin Hypothesis Revisited

''Now it is enough!'' claims Maria Feychting of Sweden's Karolinska Institute. Feychting wants to stop wasting money on any more epidemiological studies of breast cancer risks from power-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF EMFs).

''We can be confident that exposure to ELF magnetic fields does not cause breast cancer,'' she writes in an invited commentary published last week in the influential American Journal of Epidemiology (AJE). Feychting's call to stop research was prompted by a new study of breast cancer among Chinese textile workers from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, which found no association with ELF magnetic field exposures. Feychting's confidence is based in large part on the exposure assessment used in the textile study, which, she believes, was ''better than in previous studies.''

If Feychting's call to halt research is heeded, she will have shattered a key driver for EMF–cancer research that has held sway for the last 25 years: the melatonin hypothesis. First proposed in 1987 by Richard Stevens in the same journal (AJE), the hypothesis links the use of electric power to breast cancer through the suppression of melatonin, a powerful antioxidant produced at night by the pineal gland. Stevens pointed to two different types of electromagnetic signals that could suppress our bodies' production of melatonin: light at night (LAN) and power-frequency EMFs. Feychting would now cut out EMFs and limit the hypothesis to LAN only.

Voor het volledige artikel zie de link bovenaan, aan het eind van het artikel staat het verband met de telecomindustrie:

Swedish Journalist Raises Possible Conflict of Interest

Mona Nilsson, the Swedish journalist who pointed out Anders Ahlbom's incomplete disclosure of potential conflicts of interest (COI) which led to his withdrawal from an IARC study panel two years ago, is now asking the editors at the American Journal of Epidemiology whether Maria Feychting neglected to disclose her own potential conflicts in her COI statement for her new commenary. (At the end of the paper: Feychting wrote: ''Conflict of interest: none declared.'')

Nilsson is circulating a COI statement filed by Feychting in a Norwegian matter last year in which she stated:

“I am co-investigator of the study ‘EMF and childhood leukemia survival –a pooled analysis’ (principal investigator is Joachim Schüz, Danish Cancer Society). The study is funded by the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).”

EPRI is the electric utility industry group where Leeka Kheifets used to work full time and now consults with on a regular basis. Over the years, few organizations have done more to derail and obfuscate EMF research than EPRI. (Schüz now works at IARC.)

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