USA: Feiten over gebruik van smart phones

woensdag, 25 september 2013 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

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25 sept. 2013

Zeer gedetailleerd cijfermateriaal over het gebruik van smart phones door kinderen, enkele feiten:

Teens and Cellphones in the U.S.

CTIA: The Wireless Association's ''Growing Wireless'' Quick Facts

37 percent of teenagers, ages 12 to 17, have a smartphone, an increase from 23 percent reported in 2011.

78 percent of teenagers, ages 12 to 17 have a cellphone.

74 percent of teenagers, ages 12 to 17, access the internet on cell phones, tablets, and other mobile devices at least occasionally.

25 percent of teenagers, ages 12 to 17, are ''cell-mostly'' internet users, meaning they mainly access the internet through their phone, compared to only 15 percent of adults.

Older teenage girls, ages 14 to 17, are more likely be ''cell-mostly'' internet users (34 percent) than teenage boys of the same age(24 percent).

56 percent of young people use a password on their mobile device.

34 percent of teen girls ages 14-17 say they mostly go online using their cell phone, compared to 24 percent of teen boys ages 14-17.

51 percent of high school students carry a smartphone with them to school every day, compared to 28 percent of middle school students.

70 percent of parents of teens with a cellphone have reviewed their teen's text messages, while only 39 percent of teens believe their parents monitor their cellphone somewhat closely.

74% of teens rely on their parents and other adults for information about protecting themselves online.

53 percent of teenagers, ages 13 to 17, say most of their calls last four minutes or less.

33 percent of teenagers, ages 13 to 17, list texting as their favorite form of communicating with their friends.

53 percent of adolescents, ages 8 to 17, report they have been in the car with someone who is texting and driving.

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