Canada: EHS Children Forced from School

woensdag, 11 september 2013 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Bron: .
7 sept. 2013

Email from Dr. Magda Havas: EHS Children Forced from School

Een (zie bovenstaande link) uitgebreid verhaal, noodkreet, oproep. Een stukje daaruit:

Parents for Safe Schools:
Request for Donations Please

Our two families continue to fight the unjust dismissal of our children’s appeal for a ‘Wi‐Fi free’ learning environment that would prevent the ill symptoms they experience with the mandatory exposure to microwave radiation emitted by the commercial Wi‐Fi routers installed in our schools. Our request is simple: one school in the district free of wireless technologies, with hardwired communications only.

These purposeful actions are not only for our children but also on behalf of all students and parents across Canada who simply ask for a safer mode to connect with the Internet that doesn’t pose a serious risk to health. Our experienced lawyer, David Aaron, is recommending a judicial review, citing many errors in the arbitrator’s reasoning and application of the law. He believes we have a very strong case.

We are now asking for your financial support to help us continue this vitally important fight for accommodation in schools; to set a precedent whereby all EHS students across Canada can have access to public education without fear of ill symptoms.

So far our legal expenses have totaled $17,500 and we will need approximately another $20,000 to have our case judicially reviewed by the BC Courts and, if need be, by the Human Rights Tribunal. A successful appeal will open the door to more far‐reaching changes at an occupational health and safety level, benefiting all workers with a safer environment.

We must pull together and act for the protection of all our children. Now is the time please.

De kosten om te proberen wat voor elkaar te krijgen rijzen hier de pan uit. Gelukkig is het niet overal zo erg, ook niet in Canada, zie:
Artikelen/7599/redir .

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