Tabak en EMV
donderdag, 27 juni 2013 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
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Electromagnetic Radiation Safety
27 juni 2013
How does tobacco-related disease research compare to cell phone disease research?
More than 89,000 peer-reviewed papers have been published on tobacco-related disease research between 1831 and 2012 according to PubMed. This can be contrasted to the 1,000+ peer-reviewed papers published between 1993 and 2012 on cell phone radiation research according to PubMed (see my summary from 6 hours ago).
It took 133 years of tobacco-related disease research before the U.S. Surgeon General declared in 1964 that cigarettes caused lung cancer in males. There were 2,194 tobacco-related disease research papers indexed in PubMed by 1964. Not all of these studies, however, examined the carcinogenicity of tobacco.
Let's hope we can speed up the scientific and political processes necessary to determine definitively whether cell phone radiation causes cancer and what other harm it causes to us and other species.
In the interim, governments should follow the precautionary principle and should 1) adopt strict regulations for radiation emitted by cell phone handsets and base stations; 2) teach the population how to reduce their exposure to this form of radiation; and 3) fund research on cell phone radiation that is independent of industry.
More than 1,000 peer-reviewed papers published on cell phone radiation health research
A search on PubMed for ''cell phone radiation'' yielded 1,051 published papers from 1993 through 2012. Since 2006, PubMed has indexed 100 or more papers per year. This underestimates the actual number as PubMed does not index every journal, and my search was a limited one.
Nonetheless, one might think that with so many peer-reviewed studies, we would have greater consensus within the scientific community about the effects of cell phone radiation by now.
However, industry involvement may have increased the quantity of research at the expense of quality. Our meta-analysis of the case-control studies on tumor risk (Myung et al, 2009) found that industry funding was associated with lower quality research. Henry Lai has come to a similar conclusion regarding the laboratory research.
The counts by year appear below.
2012 111
2011 121
2010 110
2009 105
2008 113
2007 107
2006 100
2005 83
2004 63
2003 59
2002 31
2001 17
2000 9
1999 8
1998 4
1997 5
1996 1
1995 2
1994 1
1993 1
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