Swaziland: Cellphone radiation a danger to all creatures

zondag, 23 juni 2013 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Bron: www.times.co.sz/news/88619-cellphone-radiation-a-danger-to-all-creatures.html .
21 juni 2013

MBABANE – A number of people attended a lecture on the dangers of cellphone towers at the Mountain Inn Wednesday night.

The talk which was organised by the Swaziland Natural Society began at around 7.30 pm and continued well into the night.
Karl Muller a former Wits lecturer was the guest speaker and he gave a lengthy in depth lecture on how electromagnetic radiation such as that emitted by cellphone towers is a danger to the environment and human health.

Some of the things he talked about included the effect of electromagnetic frequencies on honey bees, bird’s plants and even humans.

Throughout his presentation he was citing peer reviewed studies which were done over the past 10 years showing the negative impacts of EM radiation. Some of the people who attended the event included Dr Adam Groeneveld an Urologist at the Mbabane Clinic.

He said he was very interested in the topic and wanted to learn as much as possible about the effects that cellphone towers may pose on human health.
“I have heard a lot from people I know and work with and I’m hoping to get the facts here today,” he said before the presentation began.

Also in attendance was Waterford Science teacher Quinton Reissman who said he was there to learn the latest news on the issue of electromagnetic radiation from cellphone towers.
“Cellphones are a new and growing technology and we are not yet fully aware of their impact on life.
“I may not know all the facts about the dangers of the electromagnetic radiation but I’m hoping to learn a lot from the presentation,” he said.

Once Muller had completed his presentation, he opened the floor to questions from the audience.
One of the attendees asked him what his solution was to the problem of wireless devices, cellphone towers and other emitters of electromagnetic radiation.

He responded by saying that he would recommend the installation of fibre optic data lines which would reduce the use of wireless devices for internet purposes.
He also suggested that people should limit their exposure to EMF by talking less on their cellphones and not living near cellphone towers which is what he was doing.

He had most of the room in stitches of laughter when he said he did not own a cellphone and if he had to use one, he would leave it on the top of a table and yell messages to it.
Overall, as evidenced by the huge turnout at the event, it would appear that Swazis are definitely interested in finding out whether or not electromagnetic radiation from various technological equipment poses a danger to our environment and health.

En daar kunnen de Nederlandse autoriteiten nog iets van leren.

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