Zweden: WiFi, steriliteit in 5 generaties?
vrijdag, 17 mei 2013 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
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Prof. Olle Johansson on WiFi radiation – we could have “irreversible sterility within five generations” .
Prof. Olle Johansson, neuroscientist at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute (famed for awarding Nobel prizes in physiology and medicine) warns that wireless exposures to our offspring today could mean “irreversible sterility within five generations” because of what he describes as a “full-scale experiment using our own kids.”
That’s 150 years ahead of us – and by then of course it’s too late to say sorry and very too late to say “stop”
One day it could be too late. But we can avoid that genetic iceberg if we take evasive action and raise the alarm in the minds of others now. Irrespective of the needlessly reckless, wireless Smart Grid plan, each of us can take necessary precautionary actions to protect ourselves and others.
Cordless DECT phones, mobile phones, smart devices including tablet computers, BlueTooth devices, wireless baby monitors, wireless games consoles with controllers held in children’s laps (!) – and, of course, ‘Smart’ Meters – emit microwave frequencies similar to WiFi routers and other WiFi-equipped devices. We don’t need them – nor their associated health risks – so if you have the means to do so, consider upgrading them to safer wired alternatives while they are still available.
Wired modems are plentiful on the big online retailers and in many cases deliver faster connection speeds than WhyFri based ones. And your grandchildrens’ grandchildren might thank you for it.
De oplossing voor het overbevolkingsprobleem, alleen jammeer dat er ondertussen zoveel mensen ziek worden
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