USA: Advocatenkantoor actief in letselschadezaak mobiele telefonie.
zaterdag, 17 november 2012 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Bron: San Francisco Chronicle 12 nov. 2012
Cell Phone Radiation Lawsuit Update: New Study Warns that Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation May Harm Unborn Child
As Bernstein Liebhard LLP continues to investigate cell phone radiation lawsuits, Yale researchers warn that exposure to cell phone radiation may impact fetal brain development, and possibly cause hyperactivity in children.
A new study involving mice has uncovered evidence that exposure to cell phone radiation can impact fetal brain development, and possibly lead to hyperactivity in children, Bernstein Liebhard LLP reports. The Yale researchers who publised the study in May 2012 assert that it shows there is a ''biological basis'' to suggest cell phone exposure can impact pregnancies.*
“This finding just adds weight to numerous other studies that have found links between cell phone radiation exposure and various health ailments, including brain tumors,” says Bernstein Liebhard LLP, a nationwide law firm that is currently part of a small consortium of firms representing individuals in cell phone radiation lawsuits.
In conducting their study, the Yale researchers attached cell phones on active calls to the cages of 33 pregnant mice and left them there for the full 17 days of gestation. After the offspring were born, they were tested for memory, hyperactivity, and anxiety. Compared to mice not exposed to cell phones in utero, those that were appeared to be more active and had slightly decreased memory, according to the research team.
Cell Phone Radiation Lawsuits
Concerns about cell phone radiation have been increasing for some time. Just last month, the Italian Supreme Court ruled that cell phone radiation can cause brain tumors, finding a causal link between a man’s heavy cell phone use and a brain tumor he developed.** In May 2011, the World Health Organization’s International Agency on Research for Cancer classified cell phone radiation as possibly carcinogenic to humans after the Interphone study found that using cell phones for typically only 30 minutes per day or more resulted in a 40% increased risk for a type of brain tumor called glioma, when compared to someone who had not used a cell phone. *** The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) recently submitted a proposal to reevaluate cell phone radiation emission standards, something it has not done since 1996. ****
Individuals who suffered brain cancer or other tumors that may have been caused by cell phones, including glioma, acoustic neuroma, meningioma, or tumors of the salivary glands, may be eligible to file a cell phone radiation lawsuit seeking compensation for their injuries. For more information about cell phone radiation lawsuits, please visit Bernstein Liebhard LLP’s website, or call 1-877-779-1414 to speak with an attorney today.
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About Bernstein Liebhard LLP
Bernstein Liebhard LLP is a New York-based law firm exclusively representing injured persons in complex individual and class action lawsuits nationwide since 1993, including those who have been harmed by dangerous drugs, defective medical devices and consumer products. The firm has been named by The National Law Journal to the “Plaintiffs’ Hot List,” recognizing the top plaintiffs’ firms in the country, for the past 10 consecutive years.
Bernstein Liebhard LLP
10 East 40th Street
New York, New York 10016
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