Australië: Advies aan vrouwen met borstkanker om geen mobieltje meer te gebruiken.
maandag, 28 mei 2012 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Bropn: EMFacts Consultancy 72 mei 2012
Breast cancer and cell phone radiation: A special relationship
Following on from the last message, there is evidence that breast cancer tumors are especially sensitive to microwaves because breast cancer tumour cells absorb significantly more radiofrequency radiation than other cancer cell types, or healthy tissue for that matter.
According to a paper by Joines et al, 1993, “In general, at all frequencies tested 50 to 900 MHz, both conductivity and relative permittivity were greater in malignant tissue than in normal tissue of the same type. For tissues of the same type, the differences in electrical properties from normal to malignant were least for kidney (about 6% and 4% average differences over the frequency range in permittivity and conductivity, respectively), and these differences were the greatest for mammary gland (about 233% and 577% average differences in permittivity and conductivity, respectively)
Reference: Joines W.T., Zhang Y., Chenxing L., Jirtle R.L. (1993)The measured electrical properties of normal and malignant human tissues from 50 to 900 MHz Medical physics, Vol. 21, April 1994, p.547-550.
The ability of breast cancer tumors to absorb significantly more RF than other cancers or normal tissue should be of concern when compared to an official joint statement, made in the Fact Sheet: Safety of Mobile Phones and Towers – The Answers (Nov.1995) by the Australian Radiation Laboratory, Spectrum Management Agency, Austel and the Commonwealth Science and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), under the heading, Is Cancer an issue?
“There is yet insufficient scientific knowledge of many aspects of health effects of radio waves. One common question is: Do radio waves from mobile phones increase the risks of cancer? The answer is that there is no experimental evidence that radio waves directly cause cancer. Laboratory studies on animals suggest that where cancer exists, radio waves may accelerate its growth.”
The last sentence was inserted in the fact sheet by the CSIRO. However, when the telcos realized the implications of the final statement they used their close working relationship with the the federal government (who was a majority shareholder in Telstra at the time) to have the fact sheet withdrawn.
Unfortunately, that’s how cell phone science has long worked in Australia.
Considering that in Australia breast cancer is the most common cancer in women who have a 1 in 9 lifetime risk of developing breast cancer, perhaps women being treated for breast cancer should be advised, as a precaution, to curtail their use of cell phones.
Don Maisch
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