India: Kritische wetenschapper monddood genmaakt op conferentie, publiceert lezing.
dinsdag, 17 april 2012 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
De bekende hoogleraar Girish Kumar (zie ons zoekvenster voor de vele publicaties van zijn hand) wilde een lezing houden op de ASSOCHAM conferentie over Volksgezondheid en Veiligheid in de Telecomindustrie die op 7 en 8 febr. 2012 gehouden werd in New Dehli. Eerst kwamen alle industrievriendelijke wetenschappers aan het woord (zie de lijst in de onderstaande Engelse tekst, maar ten gevolge van ''tijdgebrek'' werd de lezing van Kumar gecanceld. Prof Kumar heeft zijn kritische (Engelstalige) bijdrage nu gepubliceerd op scribd: .
Bron: Neha Kumar 16 April
On 7th-8th Feb 2012 The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) held a workshop and a conference on “Ensuring Public Health and Safety in the Mobile Industry” in Delhi where - Dr. Paolo Vecchia - Chairman ICNIRP, Dr. CK Chou, Chairman IEEE Electromagnetic Safety, Dr. Vijayalaxmi - University of Texas, Prof Kenneth Foster - University of Pennsylvania, Prof. Niels Kuster - IT'IS Foundation, Dr. Jack Rowley - Director Research & Sustainability, GSMA etc were invited.
Prof. Girish Kumar and I were also invited however ''due to limitation in time'' as mentioned by the host speaker his session which was at the end of all the above speakers on 8th Feb was cancelled.
Here are his comments, which he would have liked to make but could not, and are not part of the workshop and conference: .
Minutes of ASSOCHAM meeting ''“Ensuring Public Health and Safety in the Mobile Industry” in New Delh .
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