Noorwegen: Hevige mediarel rond voormalig hoofd WHO Gro Harlem Brundtland

zaterdag, 14 april 2012 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

In Noorwegen is grote commotie ontstaan naar aanleiding van een interview met Mike Repacholi. Repacholi was directeur van het onderzoeksproject mobiele telefonie en Gezondheid bij de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie op het moment dat zijn baas, het hoofd van de WHO Gro Harlem Brundtland aangaf overgevoelig te zijn voor mobieltjes (EHS) en geen draadloze systemen in haar omgeving tolereerde.

Repacholi, naderhand als consultant werkzaam voor de telecomindustrie, stelde dat Harlem Brundtland paniek zaaide met het naar buiten brengen van haar gezondheidsproblemen en dat hij haar aangeboden had te onderzoeken of haar klachten inderdaad wel veroorzaakt werden door elektromagnetische velden.
Zelf veronderstelde Repacholi psychische invloeden, een standpunt dat sedertdien met verve door industrie en overheid werd uitgedragen, overigens ook door de Commissie Elektromagnetische Velden van de Nederlandse Gezondheidsraad.

Inmiddels hebben verscheidene Noorse gezondheidsautoriteiten en politici het opgenomen voor Harlem Brundtland. Zij wordt geprezen voor de moed waarmee zij naar buiten is getreden met haar gezondheidsklachten, iets wat haar bij de Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie niet in dank werd afgenomen. Bovendien vindt men dat de overheid de groep elektrogevoeligen veel beter dient te beschermen en net als in Frankrijk voorlichting moet geven over de gevaren van de draadloze technologie aan de gehele bevolking.

Onderstaand (in Engelse Google vertaling) de reacties in de Noorse pers en een link naar het bewuste (Engelstalige) interview met Mike Repacholi:

Bron: Aftenposten 13 april 2012

Parliament's health tops Bent Tall (H) and Laila Dåvøy (KrF) believe Gro Harlem Brundtland and others who claim to be sick of mobile radiation.

Whether the mobile phone radiation is harmful, I have no idea. But people have health problems of the radiation, there is no doubt, says Bent High, led by Parliament's Health and Human Services Committee.

- I believe people who say they are allergic to mobile phone radiation, said committee member Laila Dåvøy to Stavanger Aftenblad.

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- I offered to examine Gro. But she would not hear of it

See the startling interview with former WHO leader Michael Repacholi and his settlement with Gro Harlem Brundtland electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

Statements contrary to what the established research, Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority and the World Health Organization says that electromagnetic hypersensitivity is not documented as a phenomenon.
Tall in no doubt

Stavanger Aftenblad wrote Thursday about the former WHO director Michael Repacholi, who for years led the research on mobile phone radiation and health. In an interview with the magazine Plot , he claimed that Gro Harlem Brundtland has created fear radiation in the population, in that she was ten years ago went public and said she got headaches from mobile phone radiation. She was head of the World Health Organization. The assertion is supported largely by Norwegian researchers.

- This is an unfair criticism of Gro. She stated that she is el-sensitive and that can not be criticized. I think there is no doubt that there are people who are el-sensitive, as some are allergic to peanuts and oranges. But from what we can not conclude that radiation, peanuts and oranges are bad for everyone, says High, who are eagerly awaiting the government's expert committee, which will soon present a report on whether such mobile phone radiation poses a health risk.

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For ti år siden sto daværende WHO-sjef Gro Harlem Brundtland fram som el-overfølsom. Siden har hun vært taus om lidelsen. Her i 1998. Foto: Keld Navntoft/Nordfoto NTB Pluss
- Gro has created fear in the mobile population

The long-standing leader of the WHO program for mobile telephony and health accuses former WHO chief Gro Harlem Brundtland for creating fear in the population. The reason is her openness about her being sick of mobile radiation.

- Respect Resolved

Also Dåvøy respond to the former WHO leader's criticism of Gro.

- I think it's pretty incredible and disrespectful to react the way, when Gro has chosen to be open about their problems with electrical hypersensitivity. Gro has been brave. But I find that very many will be dismissed and discredited by those who claim to be experts on this, says Dåvøy to Aftenbladet.

She knows several cases where children have been sick, and that the symptoms disappear when the radiation is removed.

- Experts say that electromagnetic hypersensitivity is something people think they have. But you can not blame children for getting sick of this because they should have heard some say they get sick of it, says Dåvøy.

Both she and Tall is skeptical of the Norwegian Radiation Protection advice in the field, and believes that Norway's policy should take greater account the fact that mobile phone radiation can pose a health problem for many people. International research shows that anywhere between 1.5 to 10 percent of the population feel that electric-sensitive.

- It is difficult to be el-hypersensitive when the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority provides the advice they give to health authorities. Electrical hypersensitivity dismissed because, as non-existent. I think we must look more to countries like France, which has a more proactive precautionary policy than Norway. In a few years it may be too late, says Dåvøy.
- Sold out public health

The renowned American journalist Louis Slesin dig in Microwave News in the U.S. have followed Repacholi for decades, and has also revealed his close ties to the mobile industry. In 2006, after Repacholi retired as head of WHO's research program in mobile telephony and health, it emerged that the mobile industry had funded at least half of the WHO cell research, via the Australian hospital Repacholi previously worked for. Repacholi insisted that the hospital only served as a practical firewall between industry and research and that researchers integrity was well preserved.

- Mike Repacholi made their forskningsprsjekt of WHO to provide support for the mobile industry. It was very sad to see him sell out the public health against the money from the industry. Some of us believed what he did was contrary to the WHO's own rules, but no one seemed to care, said Slesin to Aftenbladet.

The Swedish journalist Mona Nilsson, author of the book ''Mobiltelefonins hälsorisker'' says the former WHO director Repacholi has been the mobile industry's errand boy. She refers to research reports that will prove that all the Korean students to mouse fetuses and animals generally react to mobile phone radiation.

- So we can conclude that Gro has managed to scare the students not only in Korea but also animals and insects to be harmed by cellular radiation, Nillsson writes in a scathing e-mail to Eve magazine.

Voor het originele artikel zie: .

Voor het gewraakte interview met Mike Repachuli zie: .
(Voorafgegaan door een korte advertentie in het Noors, daarna een korte inleiding in het Noors en vervolgens het Engelstalige interview -9 min.- met Repacholi.)

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