Canada: Professionele protestsong tegen elektrosmog.
vrijdag, 23 maart 2012 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Om op te vrolijken van al het deprimerende nieuws op Stopumts (wij hebben geen populaire boodschap) moet u beslist de zeer professionele clip beluisteren die de Canadese pianist en componist Serge-André Jones gemaakt heeft om bekendheid te geven aan het verschijnsel elektrosmog, vooral nu men in Canada een hevige strijd voert over de invoering van de slimme meter.
Jones woont in Montreal, is overgevoelig voor elektromagnetische velden (EHS) en is musicus.
De link naar de komische video ''Elektrosoep'' in de originele Franse taal: .
Engelse vertaling van de Franse tekst:
The Electro Soup
My name is Thérèse Cash.
I prepare and sell delicious homemade dishes.
But them! Don’t ask any questions!
One of them, my best-seller,
is full of good organic ingredients.
Teens love it!
It’s my Electro Soup!
In it, I put healthy greens and a cell phone,
Potatoes and a compact fluorescent light bulb,
A nice big WIFI router, marinated in garlic,
Ham and a telecommunications antenna.
To improve the taste of all that
I add a flat-screen TV and a wireless videogame controlpad.
That helps to sleep soundly!
I finish the cooking in the microwave oven.
Everything becomes nice and tender.
I serve the soup with white bread
Generously covered in Smart Meter spread.
And Smart Meters, we can put a whole lot!
3,8 million, why not?
Recipe Canada states that the Electro Soup causes no health risk whatsoever.
It’s good! It’s good!
You’ll see! It’s good!
Good for lunch, supper, breakfast and before going to bed.
You can have some all day, it’s easy to sip.
I also sell it in pills and it can even be injected.
It’s good! It’s good!
You’ll see! It’s good!
Come on! Buy some!
Don’t be shy!
It isn’t nasty, it’s even good for kids!
It’s good!
You’ll see! It’s good!
My delicious Electro Soup is even more fun than a party!
It’s good! It’s good!
My delicious Electro Soup is especially good … for my wallet!
Ha! Ha!
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