Denemarken: In periode 2001-2010 is de incidentie van hersentumoren met 40% toegenomen
vrijdag, 16 december 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Brain tumour increase in Denmark by 40% between 2001-2010
Bron: EMFacts Consuliancy 16 dec. 2011
Auteur: Mona Nilsson
Link: Brain tumour increase in Denmark by 40% between 2001-2010
Tumours in brain and nervous system are increasing in Denmark according to the latest report from Danish Cancer Registry. The increase is seen both in men and women.
Among men the number of brain tumours have increased by 40% between 2001 and 2010 (per 100 000 inhabitants, age standardised) and among women by 29%. In real numbers it is 268 more cases per year among men and 227 among women that are diagnosed with a tumour in brain or central nervous system.
In Sweden the trend is stable and no increase is reported in the report from Swedish Brain Tumour Registry.
However the Swedish Brain Tumour Registry is known to be suffering from underreporting, which I wrote about some weeks ago. Still the Swedish brain tumour flat trend is promoted by some experts and scientists as ”evidence” that mobile phones don’t increase brain tumour risks.
The Swedish trend was used by the CEFALO scientists, that claimed that they only looked at the Swedish data because they ”saw the highest risk in Sweden” for brain tumours in their own study on children’s and adolescent’s brain tumour risk from mobile phone use. Based on primarily the Swedish trend, and not their own obtained data, they claimed the results was ”reassuring”.
Also in their editorial, accompanying the last updated version of the scandalous “world’s-largest-brain-tumour-study” (the study excluded the 200 000 of the heaviest users and instead put them as unexposed in the control group), Anders Ahlbom and Maria Feychting from the Karolinska Institute put forward the Swedish brain tumour trend, and interestingly not the Danish trends. Anders Ahlbom and Maria Feychting both are members of ICNIRP, that has recommended today’s limits for mobile telephony, that would have to be lowered if a brain tumour risk was admitted, with huge negative impacts for the industry.
Text: Mona Nilsson
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