Taiwan: Actiegroep tegen straling mengt zich in presidentiëel verkiezingsdebat.
zondag, 11 december 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Leden van een actiegroep die ijvert voor het terugdringen van elektromagnetische straling (de Taiwan Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard Protection and Control Association) roept op tot verdere wetgeving om elektromagnetische straling van zendmasten te reguleren. Zij deden een beroep op op de kandidaat voor het vicepresidentschap Lin Ruey-shiung die zelf in verkiezingstijd zijn huis ontvlucht was vanwege elektromagnetische straling:
Bron: Taipei Times 10 dec. 2011
2012 ELECTIONS: Group calls for electromagnetic waves regulation
Auteur: Shelley Shan
Members of the Taiwan Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard Protection and Control Association call for laws to regulate the use of electromagnetic radiation during a press conference yesterday. The idea for laws regulating the use of electromagnetic radiation was first proposed by People First Party vice presidential candidate Lin Ruey-shiung.
CNAThe Taiwan Electromagnetic Radiation Hazard Protection and Control Association yesterday urged the presidential candidates to pay more attention to the issue of electromagnetic waves and pass laws to protect people from their harmful effects.
The call came amid a claim by People First Party vice presidential candidate Lin Ruey-shiung (林瑞雄) that he was attacked by 18,750kHz electromagnetic waves for three consecutive nights from Sept. 20.
Lin said he had to move from his residence to a hotel because of the attacks, adding that he knew it was an electromagnetic radiation (EMR) attack because he is an expert in the field.
The National Security Bureau has rebutted Lin’s statement and quoted the National Communications Commission as saying that neither the military, the bureau nor any other government agency had applied to use the 18.75MHz or 1,875MHz frequency.
At a press conference yesterday, association chairman Chen Chiao-hwa (陳椒華) said the WHO has noted an increase in the number of individuals who are sensitive to EMR because of the rise in the number of base stations.
Citing a report from Sweden, Chen said the Swedish government had identified 2 percent to 5 percent of its population who demonstrated symptoms of being sensitive to electromagnetic radiation.
A dozen residents living close to electric power stations also attended the press conference and said the EMR from the power stations in their neighborhoods was the source of their sufferings, ranging from leukemia and cancer to depression.
As the vice presidential candidates are holding their televised debate today, Chen said that one of the questions should be directed at Premier Wu Den-yih (吳敦義), the running mate of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), regarding his understanding of EMR.
Chen said the Cabinet and other government agencies had spent taxpayers’ money on projects to reduce EMR in buildings, but Wu has said he does not know much about it.
Chen also encouraged Lin to share his knowledge about EMR.
“As a public health expert and vice presidential candidate, Lin should speak out louder than anybody else about the hazards generated by EMR,” Chen said. “Not only did he have to flee from the EMR, he should also show us how to flee.”
Voor het originele artikel met een foto van actievoerende burgers zie:
www.taipeitimes.com/News/taiwan/archives/2011/12/10/2003520402 .
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