Canada: Overgevoeligheid van sommige mensen voor EMV is een ernst te nemen waarschuwing!

donderdag, 10 november 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Bron: The Vancouver Sun 9 nov. 2011

Some people's sensitivity to EMFs could be a warning

By Shirley Robinson, Vancouver Sun November 9, 2011

Doctors are seeing that some people are hypersensitive to electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs).

These people get a whole host of symptoms from headaches and mental confusion to rashes, nausea/vomiting and heart palpitations.

Miners used to put canaries in mine shafts to alert them when the air was getting dangerous.

If the bird stopped singing, got sick and/or died, the miners knew to get out of the mine.

Maybe the hypersensitive are a warning to everyone else that EMFs (smart meters, Wi-Fi routers, cellphone towers and the like) are harmful to everyone's health and that we must find an alternative before everyone gets sick.

Shirley Robinson Victoria

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