India: Vreemd, zelfde klachten van omwonenden zendmasten als in Europa. (Twee artikelen)

zondag, 09 oktober 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

De ''modeziekte'' EHS blijkt overal ter wereld voor te komen. In India klaagt zelfs de directeur van een IT bedrijf als omwonende van een zendmast voor mobiele telefonie over gezondheidsklachten. En nog vreemder, deze klachten (neurologische aandoeningen en hartklachten) zijn dezelfde als uit geheel Europa worden gerapporteerd. Leest u de onderstaande twee artikelen:

Bron: The Hindustan Times 8 okt. 2011

SoBo intensifies stir against cell towers
HT Correspondent, Hindustan Times Mumbai

Tired of petitioning the state government about electromagnetic frequency (EMF) radiation from cell phone towers installed at Sahyadri, the government guesthouse at Malabar Hill, actor Juhi Chawla and her neighbours have now put up banners explaining the ill-effects of radiation. The
residents of three premises – Veer Bhavan (where Chawla lives), Raj Niketan and Morarji Bungalow – allege that they have been affected by the EMF radiation emitted from the cell phone towers installed at Sahyadri and Sailors Apartment.

Altogether, seven banners were put up in the three residential premises. “We have done this because of the inaction of our neighbours – Sahyadri and Sailors Apartment. In these banners we have explained the adverse effects of radiation on public health – like headache, memory loss, fatigue, miscarriage, heart problems, cancer and leukaemia,” said Prakash Munshi, a resident of Raj Niketan.

The residents claimed that the Indian standard of EMF radiations is actually harmful. “India follows International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines of 1998, which allows exposure of 4,500 milli watts per sq metre. This is considered to be extremely high,” said Neha Kumar, a director of Wilcom Technologies, an IIT-Bombay incubated company.

Kumar added, “Recent research states that only 1 milli watt is safe exposure outdoors. The radiation detected at Malabar Hill is 42.36 milli watts per sq metre.”

The residents have made several complaints to Sahyadri state guesthouse, the chief minister and Milind Deora, minister of state for IT and communications. “Our complaints has been forwarded to the public works department (PWD) but we haven’t received any response from them,” said Munshi.

When contacted, a senior PWD official who did not wish to be named, said, “PWD has executed contracts with mobile companies with due permission of the General Administration Department of the state government. We are aware of the residents’ complaints and are working on sorting it out. We are trying to reduce the EMF radiations or will remove the towers. The final call will be taken by November 15.

On the other hand, Vijay Zaveri, chairman of Sailors Apartment said, “Such mobile towers are present across Mumbai. We have confirmed with the concerned people and they have assured us there is nothing to worry.”

Voor het originele artikel zie: .

Een ander interessant artikel over het onderwerp gezondheidsklachten bij mobieltjes verscheen 5 okt. 2011 in de The New Indian Express:

Cellphones ring in alarm bells

BHUBANESWAR: Cellphones have revolutionised communication to become a part and parcel of our everyday life. But the fallout is beginning to be discernible.
The gadgets that have become the most common features in the hands of the rich and the poor alike are beginning to take their toll on human health, exposing them to central nervous system (CNS) and brain disorders.

Cellphone usage is now increasingly associated with a vast number health problems ranging from headaches, migraines, insomnia, hearing and comprehension problems to serious CNS and possibly cancer too.

A hospital-based study on medical students of the VSS Medical at Burla has revealed worrying trends on adverse health impact of cellphone on users. Headaches, anxiety, loss of memory, fatigue, insomnia along with burning of the face and pain in ear were the most common problems faced by the users, the study said.
Undergraduate students between the age of 20 and 30 years were put under observation by Professor and Head of Physiology, Dr R R Mohanty and assistant professor KC Purohit to deduce the effects of long duration calls through cellphones among the youngsters.

The results were astounding. Majority of the users complained of headache while sleep disturbances, pain in the ear and burning sensation in the face were fairly common. As high as 27.65 per cent reported persistent headache to the extent of even migraines. The problem was more manifested in the sections who are continuously on the phone.

About one-fifth reported sleep disturbance or insomnia, while around 15 per cent complained of memory loss and an almost equal number of lack of concentration. Mobile phone usage also attributed to fatigue in about 13.47 per cent of the students under study. The males were more prone to the common symptoms than their female counterparts, the study published in the latest issue of Journal of Community Medicine Orissa stated.

According to Dr Purohit, the effect of the electromagnetic fields created by the phones and the radiation permeating from them was turning out to be a serious problem. “Microwave radiation impacted by the phones affects blood-brain barrier system and dopamine opiate system to cause CNS symptoms. The problems were more prominently manifested in participants talking for more than 15 minutes. In addition, males were found to be the major sufferers making them the vulnerable group,” he said.

Electromagnetic radiation can produce multi-system disease in the long-run. Even the WHO has classified mobile phone with potential risks of causing serious diseases as cancer. “Therefore apt precautions should be taken like keeping the device away from the body and using hands free while talking,” Dr Purohit said.

Voor het origineel van dit artikel zie: .

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