USA: Onderzoek naar schadelijkheid EMV en vruchtbaarheid dient gestandariseerd te worden.
dinsdag, 06 september 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Bron: International Brazilian Journal of Urology July-August 2011; 37(4):432-454.
Cell Phones and Male Infertility: A Review of Recent Innovations in Technology and Consequences.
Agarwal A, Singh A, Hamada A, Kesari K.
Center for Reproductive Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, United States.
Cell phones have become a vital part of everyday life. However, the health risks associated with their usage are often overlooked. Recently, evidence from several studies supports a growing claim that cell phone usage may have a detrimental effect on sperm parameters leading to decreased male fertility.
Nonetheless, other studies showed no conclusive link between male infertility and cell phone usage.
The ambiguity of such results is attributed to the lack of a centralized assay for measuring inflicted damage caused by cell phones. Study design, ethics, and reproducibility are all aspects which must be standardized before any conclusions can be made.
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