USA: ICNIRP dogma's aan gruzelementen door opzienbarende nieuwe behandeling levertumoren.
dinsdag, 16 augustus 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Gerelateerd artikel: Onderzoeken/5992/redir .
Er zouden toch helemaal geen effecten zijn? Of toch wel?
Door middel van een behandeling met zeer zwakke radiofrequente signalen, 100 tot 1000 keer zwakker dan het signaal van een mobieltje, zijn Amerikaanse en Braziliaanse onderzoekers erin geslaagd niet operabele leverkankers te behandelen. Het succespercentage was vijf maal beter dan bij de tot nog toe meest succesvolle chemotherapie d.m.v. sorafenib, aldus de onderzoekers Boris Pasche (University of Alabama medical school in Birmingham) en Frederico Costa (University of São Paulo medical school).
De therapie, genaamd TheraBionic, zou een revolutie kunnen betekenen in de behandeling van leverkanker maar zet de onderzoekers ook aan het denken over de veiligheid van mobieltjes nu er zo duidelijk gezondheidseffecten aangetoond zijn ver onder de op warmteontwikkeling gebaseerde ICNIRP richtlijnen:
Bron: Microwave News 15 aug 2011 en het British Journal of cancer 9 aug. 2011
Very Weak RF Signals Show Promise
For Treating Inoperable Liver Cancer
Dose Is 100-1,000 Times Lower than from a Cell Phone
What if you could treat cancer without surgery, without chemotherapy and without ionizing radiation? What if you could extend a dying patient's life by years without any side effects? And if the patient were in pain, you could get rid of that too? All that may be possible sooner than you think.
American and Brazilian cancer researchers have succeeded in stabilizing and shrinking inoperable liver tumors with radiofrequency (RF) radiation that is no more powerful than that emitted by a typical cell phone. This is ''exciting'' news, said Boris Pasche of the University of Alabama medical school in Birmingham. Frederico Costa of the University of São Paulo medical school, Pasche's collaborator, agrees. ''We observed significant tumor shrinkage in 10% of patients,'' he wrote in an e-mail to Microwave News. Costa points out that this is five times the success rate of the best available chemotherapeutic drug —Sorafenib —and that ''there are essentially no side effects.''
Costa and Pasche's new findings were published by the British Journal of Cancer last week. (The paper is open access.) Costa is the director of clinical research at the Brazilian Institute for Research on Cancer in São Paulo. Pasche is the director of the Division of Hematology and Oncology at the University of Alabama School of Medicine.
Liver cancer is a massive public health problem. It is the second most frequent cause of cancer mortality among men worldwide; for women, it is the sixth leading cause of cancer death. In 2008, there were approximately 750,000 new cases and close to 700,00 deaths around the world; half of these were in China, according to the most recent statistics.
Not only could this new therapy, called TheraBionic, revolutionize the treatment of liver cancer, it might also stimulate new respect for electromagnetic medicine, as well as prompt a major reevaluation of electromagnetic health risks, most especially with respect to the safety of cell phones.
An Otherwise Poor Prognosis
Patients with liver tumors, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) that cannot be completely removed during surgery have a very poor prognosis. Their average survival time is just three to six months. While the median overall survival of the 41 patients in Costa and Pasche's treatment group was only somewhat longer (6.7 months), eight of their patients had a remarkable response. Six of the eight went on to live for more than two years —four of them for at least three years. Notably, five of the six long-term survivors had tumors that were actively growing when they began receiving RF therapy. One of these five, a 76-year old woman, was still alive and being treated close to five years later.
Four (9.8%) of Costa and Pasche's 41 patients with terminal liver cancer saw the size of their tumors decrease by at least 30%. By comparison, in a similar trial using the drug Sorafenib, only 3 of 137 patients (2%) showed the same level of tumor response. In all, eight of the patients receiving RF therapy either saw their tumors shrink or they survived for longer than two years, or both.
The RF therapy also helped many of the patients who were in pain. Of the 11 patients reporting pain before entering the trial, five said that it completely disappeared and two said that it decreased soon after treatment began. There was no change for two others; two complained that there was more pain after treatment.
One clear inference from the trial is that some patients were much more responsive to RF therapy than others. The reasons why are unknown. Pasche explained that all sorts of different people fared better, without any obvious traits in common. ''Both men and women, Caucasian and non-Caucasian, patients with hepatitis B, hepatitis C or no hepatitis infection responded to the therapy,'' he said.
Even though Pasche and Costa don't have a mechanism in hand to explain how the radiation can control the growth of the tumors, they state that their ''novel therapeutic approach does not depend on temperature changes within the tumor.''
Voor het volledige artikel met technische details van de behandeling zie: .
Voor het originele artikel in het British Journal of cancer zie: .
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