UK: Journalist Sunday Times zoekt Alzheimer patiënten met oorzaak hoogspanningslijnen.
dinsdag, 09 augustus 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
De Britse onderzoeksjournalist Lois Rogers doet een oproep om in contact te treden met (familieleden van) alzheimerpatiënten die menen dat de ziekte mogelijk veroorzaakt is door het wonen onder hoogspanningslijnen:
Lois Rogers wrote:
''I am writing a report for The Sunday Times about the research linking exposure to high voltage power lines and incidence of Alzheimer's disease.
As part of that report, I would like to interview someone with a family member who believes their condition is the result of power line exposure.
I realise that is not exactly what your group is involved in, but if you happen to know anyone or can think of anyone who I might ask, that would be very helpful?
Thanks very much''
Lois Rogers
(The Sunday Times)
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