USA/UK: Verkoop uw telecomaandelen voordat het te laat is! (Upd met toegevoegde link)
vrijdag, 24 juni 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Op 22 oktober 2009 gaf Stopumts het advies om telecomaandelen te verkopen.
Dit advies wordt nu bevestigd in de Angelsaksische vakpers. Telecomaandelen raakten afgelopen maand in een vrije val na de aankondiging van het IARC (''mogelijk kankerverwekkend'') over mobieltjes. De dalingen liepen uiteen van 9% (Ericson) tot 47% (Blackberry):
Bron: ''City View'' in MoneyWeek on 13th June 2011
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared there is a 'possible' risk of mobile phones causing cancer. But if 'possible' became 'proven', what would be the effects on some of the largest companies in the world - mobile phone providers? Matthew Lynn investigates on the risks - and how you can protect your finances.
Auteur: Matthew Lynn's (excerpt)
Keep an eye on mobile phones - they could bring down the global economy ...
For starters, investors should be monitoring the medical data and keeping up with the latest developments. They should be demanding that the mobile companies do everything they can to research the risks - and mitigate them. There is no point in simply denying that such a risk exists, in the way that the tobacco industry did for decades. Investors should also be preparing an exit strategy. If a link is ever proved beyond a doubt, you don't want to be holding the shares or bonds of any of the main players in the industry. You might want to avoid holding equities full stop - the knock-on effects for the rest of the markets would be so severe.
Meanwhile, don't give up on some fairly old-fashioned technologies. Fixed-line operators, such as British Telecom, could be set for one of the greatest bounce backs of all time. The shares yield 4%, so tuck a few away. If we all decide to get rid of our mobiles and start using the land-line again, these shares will soar.
CNN's ''Your Money'' Ali Velshi recently called for cell phone companies to come clean (news video).
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PS: Deze adviezen gelden niet voor de ondernemingen die de vaste telefoonlijnen exploiteren. Deze zouden wel eens scherp in waarde kunnen toenemen.
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