Turkije: Conferentie met overweldigende bewijslast over gevaren mobiele telefonie.

dinsdag, 24 mei 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

DNA breuken, verslechterende hersenfuncties en afname zaadcellen; wetenschappers uit Rusland, Israël en Oostenrijk presenteerden op 23 mei 2011 hun studieresultaten op een conferentie in Turkije:

Bron: TG Daily 23 mei 2011

Conference hears 'overpowering' evidence on cellphone dangers

Auteur:Kate Taylor

Cellphones disrupt DNA, impair brain function and lower sperm count, say scientists from Turkey, Russia and Israel, who present their results at a conference today in Turkey.

Professor Nesrin Seyhan, a World Health Organization and NATO advisor from Gazi University in Ankara, says just four hours of exposure to RF-EMF disrupts the ability of human brain cells to repair damaged genes. Onderzoeken/5067/turkije-nadelige-effecten-straling-mobiele-telefonie-op-lever-is-duurafhankelijk .

Other new work from Australia shows damage to human sperm, confirming a similar report from Northern Ireland last week.

''We are deeply concerned about what this could mean for public health,'' says Seyhan.

A research team at the University of Athens will also discuss today how acute exposure to GSM signals causes DNA fragmentation in insects’ ovarian cells, drastically reducing their reproductive capacity. Long exposures induced cell death, they say.

And a team from the University of Athens says that, in rats, exposure to radiation for just six minutes a day affects the bone formation of fetuses. They suggest that this may caused by the interaction of cell phone radiation with crucial molecules and ions involved in embryogenesis.

Meanwhile, new work from Gazi University using young rats suggests that some biological effects are likely to occur even with low-level electromagnetic fields. The team concluded that 900 and 1,800 MHz radiation levels is related to an increase in the permeability of the blood-brain barrier in young adult male rats.

And with children increasingly heavy users of cell phones, they say, there's a powerful argument for limiting cell phone and cordless phone use by young children and teenagers to the lowest possible level, and banning telecom companies from marketing to them.

''This work provides a warning signal to all of us. The evidence justifies precautionary measures to reduce the risks for every one of us,'' says Professor Wilhelm Mosgoeller from the Medical University of Vienna.

Voor het originele artikel zie:
www.tgdaily.com/mobility-features/56115-conference-hears-overpowering-evidence-on-cellphone-dangers .

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