Filipijnen: Invloedrijke columniste waarschuwt voor de gevaren van de draadloze technologie.
woensdag, 11 mei 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Nelly Favis Villafuerte is Undersecretary in het Department of Trade and Industry in de Filipijnen en lid van het Monetay Board. In de zakenkrant Manilla Bulletin Publishing Company heeft zij een veelgelezen column over gezondheidszaken waarin zij herhaaldelijk waarschuwt voor de gevaren van de draadloze maatschappij, met name voor het gebruik van mobieltjes:
Bron: Manilla Bulletin Publishing Company 7 mei 2011
More health tips on cell phone radiation
MANILA, Philippines – This is the fourteenth (14th) article that I have written in this column on health tips on the use of cell phones… as a public service to remind cell phone users of the harmful effects of the excessive use of cell phone because of the radiation exposure. And that we should practice prudent precaution on the use of cell phones at all times.
Here are additional health tips on the use of cell phones that I got from the internet. Should you wish to confirm the information I am sharing with the readers of this column; or should you need further information to convince you of the health risks of cell phone radiation, please check the internet:
• Do you know that a recent issue of the Journal of American Medical Association reports that psychiatrist Nora D. Volkow, director of the National Institute of Drug Abuse led a team of researchers found that just 50 minutes of cell phone radiation significantly affected brain function and metabolism of glucose – the brain’s main fuel – in those parts of the brain that received the most cell phone radiation;
• Do you know that as recently as June, 2010, a US based research reported that by spending half an hour on your mobile phone each day could increase the possibility of getting brain cancer by 40%;
• Do you know that since the younger children’s skulls are thinner, the penetration of electromagnetic radiation in children is deeper than in adults;
• Do you know that as per studies in US and India, there is the possibility that the heavy use of mobile phone by men could caused reduced sperm counts;
• Do you know that there is a need to lessen the direct exposure to the brain from cell phone radiation due to the possible increase of brain tumors;
• Do you know that a certain Dr. Lonn early this year found an increase risk of acoustic neuroma, a type of brain tumor – after 10 years or more years of cell phone use? However, Dr. Lonn also published research results that cell phones did not increase the risk of other types of brain tumor (gliomas or meningiomas).
Further, do you know that there are over 120 different types of brain tumor?
• Do you know that it is better to make cell phone calls when you are stationary because when you are moving rapidly, say in a car or train, there is more exposure to cell phone radiation;
• Do you know that it is not advisable to put your cell phone in your breast or pants pockets because putting the cell phone right up against your body exposes you to more radiation? Better to carry your cell phone in a purse or briefcase or get a non-metallic belt clip that distance the cell phone away from the body;
• Do you know that texting, instead of talking is better for the health of cell phone users;
• Do you know that it is better to make calls outside buildings and elevators – less exposure to radiation, that is;
• Do you know that it is better to tile the cell phone away from your ear when you are talking with somebody and bring it closer to your ear when you are listening;
• Do you know that a cell phone radiation shield (a small device that is attached to the earpiece of a cell phone) can reduce the radiation that causes cancer by directing the radiation waves away from the ear? Hopefully, a cell phone radiation shield would soon be fitted to every cell phone sold, to reduce, if not totally eliminate cell phone radiation;
• Do you know that it is already reported in the internet that an Inter-Ministerial Committee formed by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology of India that radiation from mobile towers pose grave health risks including memory loss, lack of concentration and digestive disturbances. The report further says that the radiation is also bad for birds and insects. The Committee attributed the radiation effects to the disappearance of butterflies, bees, insects, and sparrows;
• Do you know that one research study reports that people who have used mobile phones for 10 years or more were 40% more likely to get a brain tumor on the same side of their head where they held the handset.
Finally… no doubt about it - the cell phone is a fabulous invention. In today’s lifestyle, we can no longer do without cell phones. But knowing that excessive use of the cell phones is dangerous and in fact could kill far more people than smoking or asbestos because of radiation, we should limit our use of them wherever possible.
We should take prudent and simple precautionary measures in the use of cell phones in a way that is most compatible with our health.
Have a joyful day!
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