UK: Tijdschrift Marie Claire waarschuwt voor huidrimpels bij veelvuldig gebruik iphone.
zaterdag, 05 februari 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Een beroemd cosmetisch chirurg, Dr Jean-Louis Sebagh, die o.a. Cindy Crawford onder zijn cliënten telt, stelt dat het veelvuldig turen op de kleine schermpjes van de Iphone en Blackberry tot vroegtijdige huidveroudering leidt door rimpelvorming tussen de wenkbrauwen. U bent gewaarschuwd!
Bron: Marie Claire 3 febr, 2010
Beware of the Blackberry squint
Auteur Hannah Thomas
A top cosmetic surgeon has blamed mobile phone screens for the recent rise in women suffering premature wrinkles.
With the rise of the smartphone, women are spending more time than ever squinting at their screens, creating an area of tension around and between the brows from scrunching up the face.
Celebrity surgeon Dr Jean-Louis Sebagh, whose clients include Cindy Crawford, says: ‘The phenomenon can be seen on anyone who has, and regularly checks, a Blackberry or iPhone.’
London beauty therapist Nichola Joss, who has worked with Keira Knightley and Scarlett Johansson, has also noticed a growing phenomenon among her clients. ‘I’ve noticed a huge difference over the past 18 months in my clients' faces from constantly peering down at a mini screen.'
There is a natural tendancy to squint at the screen when reading messages creating an area of tension and the development of fine lines and wrinkles around the brow.
Smartphone-related wrinkles are the latest condition that doctors attribute to overuse of technology, but Dr Sebagh says the problem is easily rectified with a bit of light Botox.
But Ms Joss suggests a less invasive DIY face massage can also help you avoid those early signs of aging. Relaxing the muscles and stimulating blood flow in the facial area will increase the collagen and renew that youthful, healthy glow.
Why not have a go at home. Try massaging you face in a circular motion, gently sweeping your fingers from the nasal pyramid towards the temples and around the area between your eyebrows to ward off those unwanted lines.
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