India: Openlijke waarschuwingen in de Engelstalige pers bij het gebruik van een mobieltje.

dinsdag, 01 februari 2011 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

In de Engelstalige pers in India wordt openlijk en zonder enige terughoudendheid gewaarschuwd voor negatieve gezondheidseffecten van draadloze technologie, mobieltjes en zendmasten:

Bron: Deccan Herald & my Bangalore 1 febr. 2011.

Limit your mobile phone usage to avoid health hazards

If you are a hyper user of cellphones or live in the vicinity of mobile towers, beware! According to a report by the Department of Telecom, cell users especially children and pregnant women should talk less and prefer SMS to avoid health hazards
Limit your mobile phone usage. Photograph: GoogleLimit your mobile phone usage. Photograph: Google

Expressing serious concern over high level of electromagnetic radiation emanating from mobile towers and handsets, a government panel has recommended that cell users especially children, adolescents and pregnant women should talk less and prefer SMS to avoid health hazards. An inter-ministerial committee headed by Ram Kumar, Advisor (Technology) Department of Telecom, has also called for imposing strict restrictions on installing mobile towers near high-density residential areas, schools, playgrounds and hospitals. It has recommended the immediate revision of radiation norms to suit Indian conditions and environment.

The committee was constituted to suggest measures to the government to deal with complaints of health problems arising due to cellphones and mobile towers. Quoting a number of study reports which found radiation released from cellphone towers as well as handsets proving dangerous to health, the report recommends the use of hands-free and ear phone technologies such as bluetooth handsets and ear phone so as to minimize the contact of head with mobile phone.

“While talking on mobile, keep calls short or send a text message (SMS). This advice should be especially relevant keeping in mind the children, adolescents and pregnant women” said the report. The advice should be printed in the user manual by handset manufacturers.
“Whenever possible, use cellphone when the signal quality is good. People having active medical implants should keep their cellphone at least 30 cm away from the implant” said the report.

The report also said that the Government may consider amendments to the Indian Telegraph Act 1885 so that only the mobile handsets satisfying radiation standards be permitted for import / manufacture or sale in the country. “For the future expansion of telecom network in the country use low power micro cell transmitters with in-building solutions in place of the present trend of using high power transmission over mobile towers or high-rise buildings,” it said.

On the issue of radiation from handsets, the committee said the standards adopted in the United States are most stringent. It has called for adoption of severe radiation norms for mobile handsets.

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