Namibië: Hooggerecht stopt plaatsing zendmast in woonwijk.

vrijdag, 24 december 2010 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Ook in Zuid Afrika vechten omwonenden tot aan de Hoge Raad tegen zendmasten. Zorgen over gezondheidsschade wordt door de providers afgedaan als geruchten gebaseerd op pseudo-wetenschappelijk onderzoek (Zie - red. Stopumts). Merkwaardig dat overal ter wereld verstandige en ontwikkelde mensen zich zoveel moeite getroosten en zoveel financiële offers brengen om zich met behulp van juristen te verzetten tegen deze onschuldige draadloze techniek:

Bron: AllAfrica 21 dec. 2010

Namibia: Court Puts Stop to Cell Tower

Auteur: Werner Menges

A GROUP of Windhoek residents on Friday scored a victory - temporarily, at least - in their quest to stop the construction of a new cellphone tower on an unspoilt hill in the Klein Windhoek area.

The victory came in a court order through which cellphone company MTC agreed not to proceed with a plan to build a new cellphone tower until a pending case over the phone tower plan has been finalised in the High Court. The order was granted by Judge Elton Hoff in the High Court in Windhoek on Friday.

Eight residents of Klein Windhoek and Ludwigsdorf who live near the proposed site of the Bowker Hill cellphone tower are suing MTC, the Windhoek City Council, the City Council's Tender Board, the Minister of Regional and Local Government and Housing and the Minister of Environment and Tourism in a bid to halt MTC's plan to set up the cellphone tower.

Bowker Hill is situated between Conrad Rust, Gevers and Anna streets in one of the city's most upmarket residential areas.

The residents are claiming that MTC and the City Council have been ignoring their objections to the plan to set up the phone tower.

In an affidavit filed with the High Court, one of the residents, Windhoek architect Klaus Brandt, is claiming that Bowker Hill is an important urban conservation area which is worthy of preserving as a public open space.

Setting up a cellphone tower on such a prominent hill would not only spoil nature, but could also pose long-term health risks to people living nearby, the eight disaffected residents are claiming. The potential health risks posed by cellphone towers are not just a concern of this group of people in Windhoek, as controversy dogs the erection of cellphone towers internationally, Brandt states in his affidavit.

MTC is disputing that radiation and electromagnetic fields coming from the proposed phone tower would pose a danger to the health of people living in the area, and is calling these claims ''baseless'' in an affidavit filed with the court. The claims about health risks are based on ''rumours'' and ''totally uncorroborated pseudo-scientific reports'', the company is claiming.

The company is also claiming that it was only required to consult residents living within 50 metres of the proposed tower. There are no people living that close to the tower site.

On another issue MTC had to acknowledge that the residents had a valid point.

The residents are charging that the Minister of Regional and Local Government and Housing's approval was not given for the lease agreement through which MTC would be leasing the piece of land, which belongs to the Windhoek City Council, on which it plans to set up the tower.

MTC is conceding that the Minister's approval for the lease agreement was not obtained as required in terms of the Local Authorities Act before a lease agreement was concluded between the company and the Windhoek Municipality.

The court order granted on Friday puts the tower construction plan on hold until a case in which the residents are asking the court to declare the lease agreement illegal and to set the agreement aside has been finalised.

Voor het originele bericht zie: .

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