Canada: Parlementscommissie pleit voor onafhankelijke analyse gevaren mobiele telefonie.

zondag, 12 december 2010 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Gerelateerd Engelstalig artikel van 10 dec. 2010 in de Maple Ridge News, (Ouders halen hun kinderen van school vanwege Wifi) zie: .

In Canada heeft een Parlementaire Commissie na tegenstrijdige getuigenverklaringen tijdens hoorzittingen in een uitgebracht rapport aanbevelingen gedaan voor onafhankelijk onderzoek naar de gevolgen van langdurige blootstelling aan straling van mobiele telefonie.

Daarnaast wil men een meldpunt waar Canadezen terecht kunnen met gezondheidsproblemen die gerelateerd zijn aan mobiele telefonie en pleit men voor een onafhankelijk orgaan (niet zijnde Health Canada - de Canadese Gezondheidsraad (!) - red.) om een meta-analyse uit te voeren naar de bestaande wetenschappelijke literatuur over dit controversiële onderwerp:

Bron: The Calgary Herald 11 dec. 2010

MPs call for study on health effects of Wi-Fi and cellphones

Auteur: Meagan Fitzpatrick

The federal government should create a way for Canadians to report adverse reactions to cellphones and look at funding an investigation into the potential health effects of wireless technology, a committee of MPs has concluded.

The federal government should create a way for Canadians to report adverse reactions to cellphones and look at funding an investigation into the potential health effects of wireless technology, a committee of MPs has concluded.
Photograph by: Steve Bosch, Vancouver Sun

The federal government should create a way for Canadians to report adverse reactions to cellphones and look at funding an investigation into the potential health effects of wireless technology, a committee of MPs has concluded.

The recommendations are contained in a report issued by the House of Commons health committee, which held a series of hearings on the potential impact of radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation on health.

Electromagnetic radiation is emitted from a number of devices, including microwave ovens, but much of the discussion at the hearings this fall focused on Wi-Fi networks -- particularly in schools -- and on cellphones and cellphone towers.

The committee heard from a number of witnesses who presented conflicting evidence and opinions on how Canada regulates exposure to radiation and whether cellphones can make people sick.

Parents, upset about the use of Wi-Fi networks in their children's schools, told MPs that students have experienced headaches, dizziness, heart irregularities and other symptoms they believe are caused by wireless Internet.

Representatives from the wireless industry said that they agree with having more long-term studies done on the safety of their products, but also testified that if Canada's regulations on radiation exposure limits were made tougher than international guidelines, prices would likely go up because companies would have to make different phones.

Voor het originele artikel zie: .

Leest u ook de ten dele overeenkomstige berichtgeving in de Vancouver Sun, The Province en de Ottawa Citizen: . . .

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