Canada: Schoolleiding verwijdert draadloze systemen uit school.
donderdag, 04 november 2010 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
De leiding van een particuliere lagere school in Surrey (BC) besloot, na bestudering van informatie over de mogelijke gezondheidsschade bij kinderen door wifi, alle draadloze systemen in het schoolgebouw te vervangen door vaste kabels en het gebruik van mobiele telefonie op school te verbieden:
(Met dank aan onze collega's van mastvictims, 4 okt. 2010)
School principal removes WI-FI to protect children.
As a long-time principal of an independent school, I see the health and safety of our children as a non-negotiable responsibility. As technology contributes to ever-changing environmental influences, it’s often a challenge to stay informed to the degree required to protect ourselves, and particularly our vulnerable children. I was therefore very appreciative of the information provided by “Citizens for Safe Technology”.
Although there is far from universal agreement as to the dangers of wireless technology, and there are many with vested interests in its continued use, evidence of its harmful effects is extensive and widespread. The default position must therefore be on the side of safety. One wouldn’t consider using a chemical substance without knowing for absolute certainty that it could cause no harm, even if many people considered it safe and it had many benefits. By the same token, the benefits of wireless technology cannot be responsibly utilized when there is any evidence of harm, let alone the overwhelming information we now have of potential damage.
Changes in complex systems, such as the public school system, can be dangerously slow. I’m grateful that I had the autonomy to make the right decision for our students. On educating myself through the information provided me, I immediately removed all wireless technology from our school and banned the use of cell phones within our building. It was not a major change to hard-wire all computers. In our older classes, every child has a laptop, which connects to the internet through one of several hard-wired internet collections. We have advanced technology without any of the dangers of wireless radiowaves.
I am happy to discuss this decision with anyone who may be interested.
Kristin Cassie, Principal
Roots and Wings Montessori Place
5438 - 152nd St., Surrey, BC V3S 5J9
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