Denemarken: Resolutie van Kopenhagen ter bescherming van de bevolking. (Upd: nu on line)
donderdag, 04 november 2010 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst 12 okt. 2010
Updated 4 nov. 2010 i.v.m. de mogelijkheid van ondertekening op .
Op de conferentie ''De schaduwzijde van de draadloze maatschappij'', op 9 oktober 2010 gehouden in het Deense parlementsgebouw Christiansborg te Kopenhagen, is een resolutie aangenomen waarin onder meer opgeroepen wordt tot verlaging van de emissienormen, betere voorlichting aan de bevolking, de erkenning van EHS als officiële handicap en instelling van zgn. Witte Zones. De begeleidende Engelse tekst luidt als volgt:
This Copenhagen Resolution was passed at the conference “The shadow-side of the Wireless Society” on October 9'th 2010, held at the Parliament building.
It is based on previous international appeals, resolutions and the BioInitiative report from medical doctors and scientists who state the need for prevention of damage to public health from the exposure to radiation from wireless technology.
Together we, the signatories, submit the following demands:
A considerable lowering of guidelines and exposure to wireless microwave radiation, to a biologically-based precautionary level, with a peak-level maximum of 0.6 V/m as recommended by the BioInitiative report.
Information and official warnings for the general public, regarding the health risks from wireless microwave radiation – with emphasis on increased risks for pregnant women and children.
Warning labels on wireless radiation emitting products and a determination by the producers to design such products to emit as little radiation as possible, and emit radiation only when necessary.
Restrict and discourage childrens access to, and use of wireless radiation emitting products.
Electro Hyper Sensitivity must be officially recognized as a functional impairment.
Enable and respect local community influence on the location of wireless basestations and a full disclosure of all existing and planned wireless basestation locations.
Minimize wireless radiation exposure in public spaces occupied by vulnerable groups, like schools, day care facilities and public transport.
Establish White-Zones: low-radiation communities where Electro Hyper Sensitive people can live as well as providing financial support for shielding from wireless radiation in existing homes.
Promote health safe alternatives to wireless technology.
Independent causal research must be undertaken.
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