USA: 52% Wall Street Journal lezers toont zich bezorgd over gezondheidsrisico's mobiele telefonie

maandag, 11 oktober 2010 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Bent u bezorgd over de gezondheidsrisico's van de straling van mobieltjes?
Dat is de vraag die de Wall Street Journal haar lezers voorlegt.
Een interessante poll die tot 11 oktober door 52% van de lezers bevestigend beantwoord werd.
Lezers van Stopumts kunnen nog meestemmen...

Bron: The Wall Street Journal 8 oktober 2010

Are you concerned about health risks from cellphone radiation?

Many scientists think cellphone radiation is safe, but others are concerned it can cause brain tumors or other cancers. ''So far studies of cellphones haven't identified major problems, but there are important uncertainties,'' says Leeka Kheifets, a professor of epidemiology at the University of California in Los Angeles. Longer-term studies are needed since some types of brain tumors can take decades to grow—longer than cellphones have been in widespread use, she says.

What do you think? Are you wary? Do you limit use or seek gadgets to keep you safer?

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