USA: Kankercluster bij school ''geen reden tot bezorgdheid''.
vrijdag, 03 september 2010 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
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Op 21 juni 2010 berichtte Stopumts over het voorgenomen onderzoek op de Vista del Monte school in Californië na melding van een vermeend kankercluster. (Mede vanwege aanhoudende zorg over de straling van zendmasten voor mobiele telefonie zijn onder meer in Los Angeles uit voorzorg zendmasten op scholen verboden).
Het onderzoek op de Vista del Monte school in Palm Strings is nu gepubliceerd en er zou, volgens de schoolleiding, geen aanleiding zijn tot bezorgdheid met betrekking tot de zendmast op het schoolterrein. Een epidemioloog (!) voert metingen (!) uit naar ''magnetische velden'', stelt vast dat de waarden zeer laag zijn (waarschijnlijk onder de ICNIRP normen - red. Stopumts) en concludeert dat er geen oorzakelijk verband is...:
Bron: Desert Television 2 sept. 2010
Study Addresses Health Concerns with Cell Phone Tower
Auteur: Arti Nehru
Palm Springs Unified School District released a report Wednesday addressing the tower at Vista Del Monte Elementary School.
Several teachers suggested electromagnetic waves from the tower caused their cancers.
The school district hired an epidemiologist from UCLA who concluded that current measurements at Vista Del Monte indicate very low magnetic fields and low health risks.
Field Management Services undertook a survey of both inside and outside the school. Testing by other agencies was also done on water, mold, and dirty electricity. According to school officials, nothing was deemed unsafe or unhealthy.
''We're feeling comfortable that this does not appear to be a sick building based on the study results,'' said the superintendant of human resources.
According to the report, the key effect of magnetic fields, when they are at higher levels, would be childhood Leukemia.
There are persisting concerns about cell tower radiation. That's one of the reasons cell phone towers are banned on school property in Los Angeles. Here in the valley, the Palm Springs Unified School District does plan to add a second cell phone tower at Cathedral City High School. Thats expected to generate about $1800 a month for the district.
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