Canada: Ervaren gezondheidspsychologe over de gevaren van draadloze technologie.
woensdag, 01 september 2010 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Dr. Kerry Cofton, gezondheidspsychoge, en schrijfster van het boek Wireless Radiation Rescue geeft in Canada lezingen over de gezondheidsaspecten van draadloze technologie en hoe men de blootstelling daaraan kan verminderen. Zelf slaap ze alleen nog maar in hotels zonder draadloze systemen..:
Bron: The Victoria Times Colonist 31 aug. 2010
Victoria researcher teaching others to combat wireless radiation
Auteur: Pamela Fayerman.
Victoria-based health researcher Kerry Crofton is the author of Wireless Radiation Rescue, said to be the first consumer guide to reducing levels of electromagnetic radiation in homes, offices and schools.
Kerry Crofton travels with a land line phone, purposely stays in hotels that don’t offer wireless Internet in rooms and, when she gives her talk Tuesday night on the topic of wireless radiation, it will be in a downtown Vancouver venue selected because it purportedly has no such radiation.
The Victoria-based health researcher is promoting her new book, Wireless Radiation Rescue, said to be the first consumer guide to reducing levels of electromagnetic radiation in homes, offices and schools.
Some would argue Crofton’s beliefs are extreme. A B.C. study a few years ago concluded there may be one extra case of childhood leukemia every two years because of power lines. Health Canada, meanwhile, has issued statements denying the health threat from wireless technology and cellphones.
“Based on scientific evidence, Health Canada has determined that exposure to low-level radio-frequency energy, such as that from Wi-Fi systems, is not dangerous to the public,” said a statement from the federal agency.
On another occasion, Health Canada said it “currently sees no scientific reason to consider the use of cellphones as unsafe . . . and there is no convincing evidence of increased risk of disease from exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields from cellphones.”
But Crofton, who has a doctoral degree in health psychology, has spent the last five years collecting research on radiation from power lines, cellphones, cordless phones, wireless Internet, computers, baby monitors and microwaves.
She’s convinced that government standards meant to be protective are too lenient. And while cellphone industry-sponsored research may show no impacts, other studies do show biological effects causing symptoms such as headaches, heart effects, decreased fertility and neurological disorders.
Crofton has three decades of experience devising wellness and heart-health programs for air traffic controllers, pilots, nurses, teachers and others. Until she started doing her research, Crofton was like most people: She wanted the latest, fastest technology.
“It’s not that I am against technology now. The Internet is extraordinary. Computers are essential. I just make sure that I have mine set up as a fully wired system, without the wireless mouse, without the wireless monitor and without the wireless router.”
She acknowledges that not all people will experience symptoms of such radiation.
“Absolutely, there are some people who are more electro-sensitive than others,” she said. “But I think in places like schools, we should be using the precautionary principal.”
Recently, a British scientist waded into the issue of wireless networks in Canadian schools, warning generations could face genetic disorders because of prolonged exposure to low-level microwaves.
“Children are not small adults, they are underdeveloped adults, so there are different symptoms,” said Barrie Trower, who specialized in microwave “stealth” warfare during the Cold War.
“What you are doing in schools is transmitting at low levels,” said Trower, who teaches at Britain’s Dartmoor College.
Voor het originele artikel met foto van Dr. Kerry Crofton zie: .
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