USA: Kinderneuroloog, overeenkomst tussen heroineverslaving en GSM verslaving.
zaterdag, 07 augustus 2010 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
De Amerikaanse kinderneuroloog Dr. Michael Seyffert heeft in een studie aangetoond dat bij kinderen die verslaafd zijn aan SMS'en dezelfde hersengebieden geactiveerd worden als bij heroïneverslaafden:
Bron: Fox News 13 april 2010
Why Your Kid Can't Stop Texting: Study Shows Heroin-like Addiction
Link Between Texting & Pleasure Center In The Brain
SEATTLE - There's no doubt many teens are constantly text messaging, some sending out hundreds of texts a day. Now doctors say they've got evidence it might be addictive.
Doctors say texting and the instant gratification of getting a text back flood the brain's pleasure center with the mood enhancing chemical dopamine.
Teens around Seattle report sending hundreds of text messages each day. Some even admitted that they get withdrawal-like symptoms if they don't have their phone or someone doesn't return a text quickly.
Technology Addiction Specialist, Dr. Hilarie Cash, says she's seen this type of addiction in many patients. Dr. Cash says over time it can change how people think and how their brain's function. ''Whatever children are doing, to a great extent, is going to be the way their brains are wired'' Dr. Cash explained.
Brain Doctor Michael Seyffert treats teens with sleeping disorders and said one out of five have their sleep interrupted by texting. ''Neuro-imaging studies have shown that those kids who are texting have that area of their brain light up the same as an addict using heroin'' Dr. Seyffert said.
Local teens laughed at the comparison of texting to heroin, but several admitted they can't get enough. ''If you took away my cell phone right now I'd be constantly wanting to check my phone - i think it's addictive'' High School student Ally Lewis said.
Dr. Crash recommends parents look at their children and evaluate the role that texting or any technology plays in their kid's life. If their child is ''well-rounded'' and participates in multiple activities, maintains healthy relationship and keeps their grades up; it's probably not a problem. But if texting starts replacing human interaction, parents may need to intervene and limit or cut-off phone use. ''That's when parents need to step up and be a parent'' Dr. Cash explained.
Voor het origineel zie:,0,2088175.story .
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