Brazilië: Wetenschappers brengen kankerclusters in verband met zendmasten mobiele telefonie.
maandag, 12 juli 2010 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Bron: People Daily, 09 Jul 2010, (auto-translation from Spanish cleaned up by H. Eiriksson,
Brazilian study associates cancers with radiation from basestations
The electromagnetic radiation emitted by mobile-phone basestations is linked to the occurrence of some types of cancer, according to a study by Brazilian researchers.
The study established a direct link between cancer deaths in Belo Horizonte, the third largest city, and basestations of the mobile telephone network.
This was reported on the Science Hoje site, the news portal of the Brazilian Society for Progress in Science.
The research was conducted by scientists at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Brazil's southeastern state whose capital is Belo Horizonte.
The results present a warning in a country where, according to the latest data available, at least one person has a cellphone in 82 percent of all residences.
According to Professor Adilza Condessa Dode, UFMG researcher and coordinator of the study, repeated exposure of cellphone users to electromagnetic radiation transmitted by the device and the basestations is not as safe as indicated by some other research.
According to the study, more than 80 percent of people who have died in Belo Horizonte of specific types of cancer, live less than 500 meters away from the 300 identified basestations in the city.
According to the research, between 1996 and 2006, a total of 4924 people died in Belo Horizonte of cancer types that may be caused by electromagnetic radiation, such as tumors in the prostate, breast, lung, kidneys and liver.
After mapping out nearly 300 basestations locations in the city, the researcher found that 80 percent of those victims lived within 500 meters away from one of these premises.
According to estimates quoted by the researcher, the level of local radiation from the 300 basestations exceed exposure limits considered maximum under Brazilian law of 2009.
''These levels are already high and dangerous to human health. The closer you live to a basestation, the greater the exposure to the electromagnetic field,'' said Dode.
The researcher claims that the antennas of the cellphones themselves are also dangerous.
''The radiation emitted by the cell is continuous and exacerbated by the position of the antenna which directs toward the user's brain,'' he said.
The researcher said that the legal exposure limits for electromagnetic radiation are not protective of public health, but instead industrial, economic and technological interests.
Dode cited countries such as Switzerland and Italy, with more restrictive laws, and suggested that each Brazilian municipality should set limits as it deems appropriate.
''This is a precaution. I think we will succeed only with social mobilization rather than 'Waiting on a change in the law,'' she said.
As long as the legislation does not guarantee the health of the population, the researcher suggested that people only use cellphones for emergency calls and to prefer texing over talking on the cellphone.
She also recommends the use of cellphone headsets to keep the unit away from the body, and to ban the use of cellphones by children and in places such as schools and hospitals.
Voor het originele artikel zie: .
Voor onze Spaanstalige lezers enkele gerelateerde documenten: . (2006) en . (2004)
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