Frankrijk: De wereld op zijn kop, symposium 1-3 juli 2010 over ''Mobile health care''.

vrijdag, 16 april 2010 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Leest u onderstaand over de 'toekomst' in gezondheidszorg: m-health, de zuster wordt vervangen door de mobiele telefoon etc.

Bron: april 2010

International Mobile Health (mHealth) Workshop

in conjunction with

The 12th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application
& Services

1-3 July 2010, Lyon, France (IEEE Healthcom2010)

Workshop Scope:
With the recent technological advances in mobile device and
technologies, the impact on mHealth becomes significant. This workshop
in mHealth is held to provide a dedicated platform specifically
designed for international authors to present their results and papers
in this exciting emerging technology area.

The scope of mHealth is changing rapidly. Now it contains the use of
computer, communication and networking software and hardware
technologies, such as mobile phones (Apple iPhones, Google Android
phones, etc.), personal digital assistants (iPod) , tablets (iPads),
patient monitoring devices, a variety of communication devices and
transmission technologies (Wi-Fi, 3G, 4G, GPS, satellite), for
providing health services to patients and needed people. mHealth
includes software and data applications based on mobile devices and
technologies. People have developed new areas of mHealth applications
which can support wider or specialized patient and health services,
making impressive healthcare capabilities and delivery in the areas.

Topics of Interest
- mHealth system design and development
- Assessment and evaluation of mHealth
- EHR (Electronic Health Record) technology and applications for mHealth
- Networking technologies
- Platform and infrastructure in mHealth
- Security and Privacy
- mHealth software and database technologies
- Trust, reliability and maintainability
- Emerging technologies and applications
- Diagnosis support, treatment support, communications and training
for health workers
- Disease surveillance and epidemic outbreak tracking (malaria,
HIV/AIDS, etc.)
- Treatment support and medication compliance for patients, including
chronic disease management
- Education and awareness
- Helpline support

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