UK: 99% omwonenden gekant tegen zendmast vanwege waardedaling en gezondheidsaspecten.
maandag, 11 januari 2010 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
In Staffordshire strijdt een voormalig kankerpatiënte tegen de plaatsing van een zendmast tegenover haar woning. Omwonenden steunen de strijd en noemen als reden dalende huizenprijzen en eveneens gezondheidsaspecten. De Engelse bevolking blijkt steeds beter geïnformeerd:
Bron: The Sentinel 11 jan 2010
'I won cancer fight, now I'll battle mast'
A WOMAN who moved house after fearing a nearby electricity sub-station gave her cancer is now fighting plans for a mobile phone mast next to her new home.
Sonya Johnstone moved from her previous home in Cotes Heath, near Eccleshall, 13 years ago after developing breast cancer.
The 57-year-old later moved to Trentham, beat her cancer and has suffered no further health problems since.
But Mrs Johnstone is furious Vodafone wants to build a 14-metre mast opposite her house, at the junction of Stone Road and Whitmore Road.
She said: ''I used to live next to an electricity sub-station and while there I was diagnosed with breast cancer.
''I cannot prove the sub-station caused my cancer, but I know there was no history of cancer in any part of my family, and it hasn't come back since I moved away 13 years ago.
''I don't want to go through cancer again. Why not put the mast on the other side of the roundabout where it would be in the middle of nowhere?''
Husband John, aged 58, said: ''We cannot fight the mast plan on health grounds, because the claims have not been proved, but they haven't been disproved either.''
Neighbours are also fighting the proposals and a petition has been handed to Stoke-on-Trent City Council.
Consultant ecologist Dr Phil Smith, aged 50, said: ''Ninety nine per cent of people in the road are against it – primarily due to the health implications.
''The Stewart report into masts and health said we should adopt a precautionary practice. But it's a smoking gun. There have been health problems and cancer clusters across the country, although it can't be proved categorically. Obviously this will knock down house values and it is within 500 metres of a school.
''I've started a petition, written to Natural England and the local wildlife trust – there are three known bat roosts in the area and probably more.
''That technology would be like microwaving a bat in its roost, or any small animals. It's putting out radiation and that has an effect on biological tissue – the smaller the animal, the bigger the impact.''
Artist Margaret Walsh fears the mast will hit property prices.
She said: ''This mast will be a blot on the landscape, I've only just moved in and I'm worried about my health and the value of my property.
''I've signed the petition and I imagine at the rate we're going they'll be lots of people up in arms about it. They should put it in a wood where people aren't living and blend it in with the area. It shouldn't be put in front of people's properties.
''My cottage is 100 years old and there are lots of beautiful properties around here, they should be preserving the character of the area, not obliterating it.''
Housekeeper Jackie Green, aged 55, said: ''I use a mobile phone so I guess I haven't got much of an argument. I've signed the petition and hope it won't be built but if they want to put it up it'll go up no matter what.''
Vodafone lodged this latest application after an attempt to put up a 14.4-metre mast further along the road was rejected.
Vodafone has lodged an appeal over the refusal.
A spokesman was unavailable for comment on the latest application.
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