Canada: Dezelfde leugens als in Nederland verbreid door Antennebureau en providers.

woensdag, 22 juli 2009 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Op ''ïnformatie-avonden'' willen antennebureau en providers het zendvermogen van antennes graag vergelijken met een lamp van 15 watt, althans als Stopumts niet aanwezig is om dit boosaardig fabeltje uit de wereld te helpen.
Dat in het buitenland met dezelfde leugenachtige voorlichting gewerkt wordt blijkt uit onderstaande ingezonden brief uit Summerland in British Columbia, Canada.

Bron: SummerlandReview 21 juli 2009

Dear Editor:

In the Summerland Review of July 16, Chris Gerritsen of Telus stated that the proposed cellular transmitter to be erected off of Fyffe Road in Summerland will emit 15 watts of energy.

This is a deception used by cell phone companies to lead the public to believe that their electromagnetic radiation emissions would be similar to a 15 watt light bulb. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Electromagnetic radiation field strength is determined by wattage and frequency. A cellular telephone transmitter will emit billions times more electromagnetic radiation than a light bulb because it operates at billions of times higher frequency.

You also stated your transmitter emits 160,000 times less electromagnetic radiation than the safety code limits. This is also a deception.

What cell phone companies do not tell us is these safety limits are based upon how much radiation it takes to heat up your body. It takes millions of times more radiation to excessively heat a human than what it takes to trigger your cells to initiate a disease process like cancer.

These diseases are called non-thermal effects.

According to the BioInnitative Report, which can be read online at, your transmitter, if installed, will emit dangerous levels of non-thermal microwave radiation throughout Summerland.

Mr. Gerritsen, would you sign a statement that the proposed tower is safe for all persons and animals living within the range of the microwave transmitter? Also, if at some time in the future your transmitters are shown to be harmful, will you be responsible for any illnesses as a result of your tower?

Will you sign it, Mr. Gerritsen? Yes or no?

Krista Klingler


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