Malta: Gemeente naar rechtbank om zendmast te verwijderen

donderdag, 28 mei 2009 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Bron: Malta Times 28 mei 2009

Council files court application against Mast

Lija council has filed a court application calling on Melita plc to remove antenna repeater equipment from the roof of a private residence in the heart of the village because it was, or could be, detrimental to the people's health.

In an application filed against the residents of the house, John David and Rosanne Galea, Melita plc and the Malta Communications Authority, the council argued that the repeater was detrimental or could be detrimental to residents’ health and the council had a duty to safeguarding the interests of the people of Lija.

The council said it had already objected to the installation of this antenna through a judicial protest filed in January. It had been brought to the attention of those involved that expert reports did not exclude, but attributed the probability that similar antennae could place the health of residents in jeopardy.

The council called on the court to declare the installation of the repeater illegal and abusive and to order its removal. It also asked for court authorisation to itself remove the repeater if this was not done by the owners within the timeframe given by the courts.

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