The Effects Of Radiation In The Cause Of Cancer

woensdag, 11 februari 2009 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Een interessant artikel in het licht van recente publicaties dat kanker in Nederland hart- en vaatziekten verdrongen heeft als belangrijkste overlijdensrisico. Oorzaak onbekend.....

Bron: 8 februari 2009

The Effects Of Radiation In The Cause Of Cancer

By Paul Fitzgerald

Cancer is, unfortunately, spreading in the modern society. Nearly all cancer forms are increasing when it comes to incidence, i.e. new cases/year (cf. Hallberg & Johansson 2002a).

It could recently be read in the BBC News that skin cancer is rising in young adults, and Sara Hiom, head of the health information at Cancer Research UK said, when interviewed, that “Non-melanoma cancers are rising at an alarming rate”.

Non-melanoma cancers are rising at an alarming rate

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