New Hampshire bipatisan bill on health effects of 5G technology

dinsdag, 30 januari 2024 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Jan 23, 2024

The New Hampshire House introduced Bill 1487 “An ACT relative to the health effects of 5G technology” which calls for educating the public on the health risks of wireless radiation, ensuring cell towers are at least 500 meters from homes and schools and replacing Wi-Fi with non wireless technology in schools.

This page has details of the bill plus how to submit testimony as well as an action alert to send a letter to New Hampshire lawmakers.

The New Hampshire House introduced Bill 1487 “An ACT relative to the health effects of 5G technology” states:

“Findings. The general court strongly encourages the state to move forward with the deployment of fiber optic cable connectivity, internal wired connections, and optical wireless to serve all commercial and public properties statewide. The general court further strongly encourages health care facilities to establish RF-radiation free zones where employees and visitors can seek refuge from the effects of wireless RF-radiation.”

New Hampshire House Bill 1487 states that the department of environmental services shall:

- Include links on the departmental website that contains information about radiofrequency radiation (RF-radiation) from all sources, including from 5G small cells deployed on public rights-of-way. Such information shall also contain guidance on the proper use of cell phones to minimize exposure to RF-radiation.

- Make public service announcements on radio, television, print media, and the Internet to warn of the health risks associated with radiation exposure, including warnings concerning newborns, children, and pregnant women.

- Develop exposure warning signs for posting in commercial and public buildings concerning RF-radiation levels.

-Require that every pole or other structure in the public rights-of-way holding a 5G antenna to be labeled indicating RF-radiation being emitted from the antenna. Such label shall be posted at eye level and printed in such a way that it is legible from 9 feet away.

- Adopt rules under RSA 541-A relative to performing RF-radiation frequency signal strength measurements in areas around wireless facilities in order to evaluate signal characteristics known to be deleterious to human health. Such rules shall take into account the impulsive nature of high-data-rate radiation that a growing body of evidence shows as having a significantly greater negative impact on human health than does continuous radiation. Such rules shall enable the summative effects of multiple radiation sources to be measured. Such rules shall consider safety limits that shall protect trees, plants, birds, insects, and pollinators from damage by RF-radiation exposure.

- Publish a continually updated map of RF-radiation exposure levels across the state using data submitted by certified home inspectors under RSA 310-A:190.

Home inspectors shall be trained to measure the intensity of RF-radiation when doing inspections. Home inspectors shall send measurements of RF-radiation to the department of environmental services for publication on a map of state exposure levels under RSA 12-K:15, VI.

Wireless antennas should not be less than 500 meters away from a residence, business, or school.

Measures to reducing Wi-Fi exposure to children in schools

- The board shall develop a plan to be implemented in every school district to migrate from wireless Internet connections for computers, laptops, tablets, and other wireless devices to Internet connections that are either hard-wired or optical connections within 5 years of the effective date of this section.

- A chartered public school shall develop a plan to migrate from wireless Internet connections for computers, laptops, tablets, and other wireless devices to Internet connections that are either hard-wired or optical connections within 5 years of the effective date of this section.

See further the link at the top

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