USA: EHT to the FCC: Halt the Deployment of 5G

woensdag, 01 juli 2020 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Bron: mailing Environmental Health Trust (EHT)
June 30, 2020

Last week EHT submitted extensive testimony to the FCC documenting the scientific evidence that 5G will impact human health and the environment.
EHT put the science on the official record.

In Docket 19-226,
the FCC proposed new allowable limits to the amount of electromagnetic radiation exposure to be absorbed by humans and the atmosphere from the use of frequencies as high as 3 THz and as low as 3 kHz.

The FCC asked what the public thinks. So we told them.

“We recommend a halt to the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication and a halt to the expansion of wireless networks until hazards for human health and the environment of these new frequencies and the densification of networks have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry.

''5G paired with densification of 4G or other antennas will substantially increase environmental exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. We also recommend federally developed safety limits based on empirical scientific studies that have thoroughly investigated long-term effects to humans, animals, insects, trees, and the environment.

''Federal safety limits should be based on adequate data from animal and human research, not based on assumptions.”

We encourage you to download and share these extensive filings.

Read the 78-page Environmental Health Trust FCC Submission 19-226 “Proposed FCC Changes to Measuring and Evaluating Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields and Wireless Power Transfer Devices are Flawed” By Paul Ben Ishai, Mikko Ahonen, Hugo Gonçalves Silva, and Devra Davis.

Read the 70-page Appendix 2: Worldwide Governmental Actions on Cell Phones and Wireless Rradiation Limits Detailing Actions by Governments Worldwide on EMFs.

Read Ronald Melnick, PhD’s submission on why FCC’s proposal rests on unproven assumptions.

Read the scientists' letters to the FDA to retract their ''study.''

Read the research on ELF, EMF, and magnetic fields.

Read Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association’s Serious Safety Concerns about 5G Wireless Deployment in Australia and New Zealand.

Read Professor Tom Butler's ''A Review of the Health Risks of Radiofrequency Radiation Employed in 5G Technology and the Implications for UK Policymaking.''

Read Dr. Davis’ Letter to Grand Teton Park staff about impacts to wildlife.

Read ''Published Scientific Research on 5G, 4G Small Cells, Wireless Radiation, and Health.''

Read Dr. Davis’ letter to Washington, DC's Department of Transportation Public Space Committee chairman regarding 5G and small cells.

There is more.
Environmental Health Trust submitted extensive additional scientific documents found HERE.  *environmental%20Health%20Trust*)&sort=date_disseminated,DESC

Over 1800 people submitted incredible testimony found HERE.,DESC

The FCC cannot claim it has not seen the science. If the FCC chooses to ignore that science, EHT will be ready to respond again.

We know you will also!

Your support enables us to hold public agencies like the FCC accountable. We cannot do the work we do to protect public health and the environment without your support. Please donate today as we urgently need to raise at least $50,000 to keep our lawsuit going.

Een overzicht van de strijd in de USA, waar de Federal Communication Commission (FCC) dezelfde rol speelt als de ICNIRP in West-Europa, waaronder Nederland maar wel met uitzonderingen, en in Australië

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