CHD’s Stop 5G Emergency Ordinance Campaign Is Making Waves – an Update and Next Steps

vrijdag, 10 april 2020 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

7 april 2020

Over 50,000 letters were sent to municipalities in the US asking them to pass an emergency ordinance to stop the deployment of 5G during the quarantine. Thank you for taking action and using our click to Action system to send the letter. The campaign continues, please keep sharing.

This campaign is making waves – many mayors, city council members, and city managers responded. Some tried to deflect but others are interested in pursuing this avenue or at least using the arguments we made to slow down the wireless companies. We know mayors have contacted their attorneys and they confirmed that this measure works and our arguments are legally valid.

This campaign is helpful to municipalities as the wireless industry is bullying them. Our letter provided them with a legal way to fight back. The municipalities are busy with the COVID-19 epidemic and do not have the time or resources to deal with the 5G applications, but the wireless industry could not care less. In an effort to force municipalities to keep the “shot-clock” timeline despite the emergency situation, the Wireless Infrastructure Association (WIA) met with the FCC and sent a letter saying:

Zie voor het vervolg van dit verhaal, en alle links daarin, de link bovenaan.

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