Rusland: Beeline to deploy 5G-ready network in Moscow
maandag, 20 mei 2019 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
17 mei 2019
Russian mobile operator Beeline, controlled by the Veon Group, plans to begin operating the 5G-ready network in Moscow in 2020. The first stage of the upgrade of the network in the capital city will be completed in September of this year. The size of the investment will amount to RUB 5 billion for that stage.
Beeline plans to upgrade all its base stations in the capital city. Its number of base stations will be raised by 60 percent in five years. The programme will be carried out in cooperation with Huawei. Beeline has already modernised its network in the Moscow region in cooperation with this company.
Beeline plans to implement instal equipment supporting NB-IoT on its network. The MIMO 4x4 system will be activated on all base stations working in the 1,800 MHz, 2,100 MHz and 2,600 MHz bands. All the new equipment also supports LTE Advanced and LTE Advanced Pro.
Een subtiel verschil met de planning bij ons. De hoogste frequentie bij de Russen wordt 2,6 GHz; dus minder problemen met bereik en minder belasting van de huid. Als gevolg hiervan zijn er dus ook minder zendmasten (small cells) nodig. De twee laagste frequenties, 1,8 GHz en 2,1 GHz, zijn vrijwel gelijk aan de huidige UMTS frequenties.
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