Brussels Belgium And Rome Municipality Oppose Wireless 5G Antennas

woensdag, 03 april 2019 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

3 april 2019

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Brussels, Belgium and Rome Municipality XII are the latest European municipalities to oppose wireless 5G. The government of Brussels, Belgium blocked raising wireless radiation limits effectively halting the 5G pilot program. The XII Municipality of Rome also called for Italy to refuse to increase allowable radiation levels and for the creation of zones without 5G radiation.

“I cannot welcome such technology if the radiation standards, which must protect the citizen, are not respected, 5G or not. The people of Brussels are not guinea pigs whose health I can sell at a profit. We cannot leave anything to doubt,” declared Brussels Environment Minister Céline Fremault.

Across Europe and Asia, wireless companies have been heavily investing in public relations campaigns to increase wireless radiation limits in order to roll out 5G. Telecom companies state the only way to fully deploy 4/5G technology is for these countries to change their regulatory limits and allow more intense radiation exposures. Industry research repeatedly documents that full deployment of wireless 4G and 5G networks will significantly increase radiation levels near the antennas. Italy and Brussels Belgium, the de facto Capitol of Europe, are two of many governments, including India and China, that have lower wireless radiation limits than the USA.

As part of 5G roll out, industry is proposing that thousands of new wireless 4G antennas first be built close to residential areas as the building block for future deployment. Brussels has now refused to change public exposure limits for microwave wireless radiation and the Rome Municipality resolution specifically asks the Mayor not to support any reductions in allowed radiation limits. These actions exemplify the mounting opposition to 5G in cities worldwide.

The nation of Belgium also previously banned the sale of phones for young children and recommends general reductions in wireless radiation exposures. Over a dozen countries have take policy action to reduce wireless exposures to the public, especially for children and pregnant women.

Resolution Opposing 5G by the XII Municipality of Rome

The Rome resolution asks “the mayor to stop the 5G trial and not to raise the limit values ​​in the threshold of electromagnetic radiation avoiding the positioning of groups of mini-millimeter microwave antennas on homes, schools, day centers, recreation centers, street lamps and more.”

The regions action is in direct opposition to the Rome Mayor’s support of 5G trials and the industry push to loosen Italy’s wireless radiation public exposure limits. Rome Councilor Massimiliano Quaresima stated, “The fight against electromagnetic pollution is our strong point. I am in favor of technological progress but not on the experimentation of 5G technology in the absence of certain scientific data on the repercussions for health. Apply the precautionary principle sanctioned by the European Union.”

The action passed with 11 votes in favor and 3 abstentions. The issue is at the forefront of municipalities across Italy and worldwide.

Soon after the Rome XII Municipality vote, experts presented at the National Stop 5G Conference in Milan, supported by the Italian Electrosensitive Association. Speakers at the conference including Dr. Fiorella Belpoggi of the Ramazzini Institute and Dr. Olle Johansson, neuroscientist at the Karolinska Institute and Stefano Bertone, one of the lawyers who represented the plaintiff involved in the landmark cell phone case that recognized a causal role between cell phone use and tumor development.

Over 229 scientists from all over the world have signed onto the 5G Appeal calling for a moratorium on 5G concluding that, “RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment.”

News articles:

. TerrraNuova, “A Municipality of Rome votes against 5G: what will the Giunta do?”
. Oasisana, “Resounding, in Rome and Trento we vote to stop 5G: they don’t want it”
. L Echo “The 5G? The people of Brussels are not laboratory mice” (Céline Fremault)
. HLN News, “Brussels government refuses 5G: “Brussels residents are not guinea pigs”
. Brussels Times, “Radiation concerns halt Brussels 5G development, for now”

On December 2018, the European Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER ) ranked the impact to wildlife from 5G as “high” in their report ”Potential effects on wildlife of increases in electromagnetic radiation” which investigated 5G as well as E-cigarettes and chemicals in plastics. The SCHEER document specifically references research on 5G (Russell 2018, Aerts 2018, Di Ciaula 2018) and Wi-Fi (Pall 2018) and concludes that the full impacts to humans and wildlife from 5G technology (a new modulation) have not been adequately researched opening up “the possibility of unintended biological consequences.”

Read a sampling of research on wireless, 4G and 5G here: .

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