Scientific Hearing At The Danish Parliament On Cell Phone Radiation, Wireless And Health And Safety

zondag, 22 april 2018 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

12 april 2018

Hearing at the Danish Parliament on Health and Safety Issues of Cell Phone Radiation and Wireless Radiation

Politicians on the Danish Parliament Committee for Health and Elder care investigaed the health risks from mobile radiation and wireless networks with a public hearing on April 12 at the Parliament building, Christiansborg in Copenhagen. The consultation featured several leading international researchers in the field testifying on the health and safety issues of cell phone radiation.

Invited experts included: Prof. Olle Johannson, Neuroscientist, Sweden; Prof. Lennart Hardell, Oncologist, Sweden; Prof. Albert Gjedde, Neurobiologist, Denmark; Dr. Charlotte Bech, Medical Doctor, Denmark and Dr. Ghislaine Bouvier, adj. Professor, France.

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