Engeland: smart meters - experts fear a Trojan horse-style cyber attack
woensdag, 21 februari 2018 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Bron: mail.google.com/mail/?tab=wm#inbox/161b507cb9c07745
17 febr. 2018
We spy trouble: Even GCHQ is worried about smart meters say experts who fear a Trojan horse-style cyber attack
Experts warn of dire consequences if hackers gain access to smart meters
Fear that hackers could cut off energy supplies and break into other gadgets
GCHQ, it is believed, has also raised concerns over the security of smart meters
Security issues blamed for SMETS 2 smart meters being three years overdue
Computer experts are warning that the Government’s roll-out of a new type of smart energy meter will leave households vulnerable to cyber attack.
The consequences, they say, could be dire with homes potentially losing their power supply and hackers selling stolen details to criminals.
Fraud is also a worry if hackers are able to inflate meter readings and intercept payments.
Tackling the security concerns is the key reason why the introduction of new-style SMETS 2 smart meters is already three years overdue.
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