Frankrijk verbiedt mobiele telefoons op scholen

maandag, 11 december 2017 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Bron 1:
10 dec. 2017

« Plus de téléphones portables dans les écoles et collèges à la rentrée 2018 », annonce Jean-Michel Blanquer

La mesure, confirmée dimanche par le ministre de l’éducation nationale, était une promesse de
campagne d’Emmanuel Macron.

Voor de verdere Franse tekst zie de link bovenaan. Voor de Nederlandse vertaling zie:

Bron 2:

11 dec. 2017

Franse scholieren mogen vanaf volgend schooljaar niet langer mobiele telefoons gebruiken op school.
Dat heeft minister van Onderwijs Jean-Michel Blanquer bekendgemaakt, schrijft The Local.

Het is in Frankrijk al langer niet toegestaan om een telefoon in de klas te gebruiken. Met het
nieuwe verbod zijn de telefoons ook verbannen tijdens de pauzes en tussenuren.

Niet spelen
''Kinderen spelen inmiddels niet meer in de pauzes'', aldus Blanquer. ''Ze zitten alleen maar op hun
smartphones te kijken. Dat is vanuit onderwijsperspectief een probleem.''

Het nieuwe verbod wordt volgens de minister in september 2018 ingevoerd. Er wordt op het moment
gewerkt aan de uitvoering van het initiatief. ''Telefoons zullen soms nog nodig zijn voor noodgevallen
of specifieke leermomenten'', aldus de minister.

Blanquer zei eerder afsluitbare kastjes te overwegen, waarin leerlingen hun telefoons kunnen
bewaren. Hij noemt telefoongebruik op school ''een kwestie van publieke gezondheid''.

Het telefoonverbod was één van de verkiezingsbeloften van president Emmanuel Macron.


Bron 3:
10 dec. 2017

Frankrijk verbiedt smartphones op lagere en middelbare scholen

‘In september 2018 zullen smartphones niet meer toegelaten worden in het lager en middelbaar
onderwijs.’ Dat bevestigt de Franse minister van Onderwijs, Jean-Michel Blanquer zondag in
Franse media. De maatregel was een belofte van de huidige Franse president Emmanuel Macron.

‘Wordt het gebruik van smartphones verboden in scholen?’ Dat was de vraag van verschillende
Franse journalisten dit weekend. Het antwoord van Blanquer was duidelijk: ‘Ja, bij de start van het
nieuwe schooljaar in 2018’.

‘We werken momenteel aan het antwoord op die vraag’, verduidelijkte de minister van Onderwijs.
‘De nieuwe regels kunnen verschillende vormen aannemen. U hebt de smartphone misschien
nodig voor pedagogische doeleinden, of voor noodsituaties, maar het gebruik van de smartphone
moet beperkt worden.’ Blanquer benadrukte dat sommige colleges al maatregelen genomen

Volgens de minister is dat verbod ook ‘een boodschap voor de publieke gezondheid, die alle
families aangaat’. In Frankrijk hebben heel wat leerkrachten de laatste jaren aan de alarmbel
getrokken door de ‘plaag’ en de ‘eindeloze oorlog tegen de smartphone’.

De uitrol van de nieuwe maatregel zal waarschijnlijk erg moeilijk verlopen, vermoedt de Franse
krant Le Monde. Nu al wordt het gebruik van smartphones tijdens de lessen verboden in Frankrijk,
maar wat met het gebruik van smartphones op de speelplaats? Moeten kinderen hun ouders
kunnen bereiken? En moet iedereen dan gefouilleerd worden?

Een mogelijke oplossing zijn ‘afsluitbare kastjes’ of lockers. De minister van Onderwijs liet in
september weten dat dit een mogelijke piste was.

Bron 4:
10 dec. 2017
Blanquer sur RTL : ''Les portables seront interdits à l'école et au collège à la rentrée 2018''

Bron 5: Newsletter EMF Refugee 13 dec. 2017

EMF News - France to forbid mobiles in schools in the Fall of 2018

French Minister of Education confirms cell phone use by students will be banned in schools and colleges next Fall

by André Fauteux

Without banning tablets however, he admitted that screens are a ''public health issue''. ''We have studies
showing that exposure to the screens of children under seven is a health problem. It is good that
children are not too much, if at all, in front of screens before the age of seven, ''said Minister
Jean-Michel Blanquer on the TV show Le Grand Jury RTL-Le Figaro. LCI.

The cell phone ban was promised by French President Emmanuel Macron during his election
campaign. Last September, the largest federation of pupil parents’ associations evoked ''an appalling
logistics problem''. The minister replied that details of the ban are still in development. « You
may need a cell phone for educational purposes or emergency situations. It has to be confined,
which in passing already exists: there are colleges that already do it. ''

The Generation New Technologies website commented: ''With more than eight out of ten adolescents
already equipped, the presence of the mobile phone in school or college can create disruption during
classes and tensions in the student-teacher relationship but also from student to student. However,
the application of such a ban, while it may be desirable during classes, may be more difficult between
courses, since parents want to be able to reach their children. On the other hand, checking that
students have left their phone in the planned confinement space is already rather complicated. ''

For the association PRIARTEM (French acronym of To Gather, Inform and Act on the Risks Related to
Electromagnetic Technologies), the minister ''sends parents a clear message: a cell phone is not
compatible with good conditions of learning because its use does not favor concentration. If this
is true at school, it is true also outside school grounds. ''
The Association adds
that microwaves emitted by cells and tablets in Wi-Fi mode are also detrimental to
concentration and academic performance: ''Even if this is not the stated objective, this decision
is in line with the French Health Safety Agency ANSES’s recommendation to reduce children's
exposure to radio frequencies and, in particular, those transmitted by mobile phones. PRIARTEM
invites the Minister not to stop in this way. Laptops are not good for kids' health, tablets are not
good either. The Minister's statement on the screens is, in fact, a serious challenge to the
Digital Plan at School which aimed to equip children with tablets as soon as possible (from kindergarten).''

Bron 6:
11 dec. 2017

France to impose total ban on mobile phones in schools

France is to impose a total ban on pupils using mobile phones in primary and secondary schools
starting in September 2018, its education minister has confirmed.

Phones are already forbidden in French classrooms but starting next school year, pupils will be
barred from taking them out at breaks, lunch times and between lessons.

Teachers and parents are divided over a total ban, however, with some saying children must be able
to ''live in their time''. In France, some 93 per cent of 12 to 17-year-olds own mobile phones.

''These days the children don't play at break time anymore, they are just all in front of their smartphones
and from an educational point of view that's a problem,'' said Jean-Michel Blanquer, the French
education minister.

''This is about ensuring the rules and the law are respected. The use of telephones is banned
in class. With headmasters, teachers and parents, we must come up with a way of protecting pupils
from loss of concentration via screens and phones,'' he said.

''Are we going to ban mobile phones from schools? The answer is yes.''

Studies suggest that a significant number of pupils continue to use their mobiles in class and
receive or send calls or text messages.

Up to 40 per cent of punishments are mobile-related, according to Philippe Tournier, a Paris
headmaster with the Snpden-Unsa teaching union. But he said it was tricky to know how to clamp
down on the practice without being able to, say, search pupils' bags.

It remains unclear how the ban would work. Mr Blanquer had previously suggested that schools
would have to provide lockers for pupils to store the phones during school hours.

''We are currently working on this ban and it could work in various ways,'' said Mr Blanquer. ''Phones
may be needed for teaching purposes or in cases of emergency so mobile phones will have to be
locked away.''

Earlier this year, he suggested that if French politicians were able to put their phones away during
council of ministers meetings, then surely it was ''possible for any human group, including a class''
to do the same.

The practice is already in use in many French ''colleges'', or primary schools.

''A box placed on the table at the entrance to my class awaits mobile phones. I have never had any
problems. It takes two minutes at the start of each hour. This was already the case in primary schools
I worked in in Paris,,'' one teacher based in Rueil-Malmaison told Le Figaro.

In another establishment in Essonne area, pupils place their phones in named bags in an office at the
school entrance and take them back at the end of the day.

But one headmaster in Marseille, southern France, said he remained unconvinced but this
''so-called miracle solution'', saying that phones could get mixed up, lost or stolen. ''If they are
switched off at the bottom of the bag, then it works,'' he said.

Previous education ministers have resisted a total ban. In 2011, Luc Chatel, then then president
Nicolas Sarkozy's education minister, told senators: ''The use of mobiles has entered modern daily
habits. We cannot ignore the need to communicate, notably between children and their parents, who
are themselves in demand, naturally outside class hours.''

Peep, one of France's biggest parents' associations, has already expressed scepticism. ''We don't
think it's possible at the moment,'' said its head, Gerard Pommier.

''Imagine a secondary school with 600 pupils. Are they going to put all their phones in a box? How
do you store them? And give them back at the end?,'' he asked.

''One must live with the times. It would be more intelligent to pose rules and discuss their meaning
with pupils,'' said Peep, pointing out that ''adults themselves are not always exemplary with mobiles''.

But for the education minister the issue of mobile phones and tablets is a matter of ''public health''.
''It's important that children under the age of seven are not in front of these screens,'' he added.

The minister also sees the move as a way of cutting down on cyber-bullying. The ban would apply
to children up to 15 but phones would be allowed in lycees (secondary school).

Emmanuel Macron spelled out his intention to ban mobile phones in schools in his manifesto before
his election as French president in May.

Zie ook: .
5 dec. 2017
Le gouvernement veut mieux informer sur l'exposition aux ondes électromagnétiques et annonce des mesures
Dat Frankrijk smartphones van scholen bant, is geen verrassing: straling schadelijker dan algemeen aangenomen wordt.
17 dec. 2017

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