USA: nieuwe 5G ellende: Dirty Electricity on Steroids
woensdag, 20 september 2017 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal
Bron: Newsletter EMF Refugee, The International Coalition for an Electromagnetic Safe Planet (IC-ESP)
20 sept. 2017
(From A. Tsiang)
AT&T's project AirGig, where 5G millimeter wave internet signals are carried along power lines, is in the test phases right now. If AT&T launches this, it means that if you work or live anywhere near a power line integrated with AT&T 5G, you will be exposed to the 5G mm wave radiation constantly. So it's not just the 5G small cells placed every few houses apart that would be radiating the mm wave radiation, but the entire power line!!! If you didn't know, SB 649 allows for such transmission of wireless internet signals along power lines. (Another reason why SB 649 is not a good idea. Please write in to Gov. Brown about your opposition to SB 649 - see instructions in previous email. Also, I will be sending out another email with other effective actions to take shortly.) Other state's versions of 5G/small cell bills may include this as well.
Instead of laying down fiber optic cable to the 5G small cell tower, AT&T is touting this as a lower cost, faster alternative, and the ability to deliver wireless internet to any area with power lines, for example rural and underserved areas. 5G mmWave surface wave launchers and inductive power devices would be installed on power line poles and power themselves without a direct electrical connection (via the magnetic field surrounding the power lines). These devices create a multi-gigabit signal that travels along or near the wire – not through it. Then to deliver internet service to the home, a receiver would be attached to the home to receive the signals from the power lines or a small cell tower would send the signals to the home.
Delivering internet via power lines was tried in the past before but there were many problems with reliability. However, AT&T says the same reliability problems won't exist now.
Project AirGig can also be a benefit to utility companies. It could enable and expand a variety of smart-grid applications.
Here's a video about it on AT&T's website .
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