USA: Sacramento e.a. toekomstig onbewoonbaar?

maandag, 05 juni 2017 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

California Senate Passed SB.649 — An Unconstitutional Bill That Forcibly Exposes California Neighborhoods to Constant, Hazardous 4G/5G Microwave Radiation

Bron: EMF Refugee Newsletter June 4, 2017

SB.649 would dramatically increase California residents’ exposures to pulsed, Radio-Frequency Microwave Radiation (‘RF/MW radiation’) in their neighborhoods 24/7. Over 110 California Cities entered their formal opposition to SB.649 into the public record before the Senate vote.

05/31/17 SB.649: Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 32. Noes 1.) Ordered to the Assembly. Senator Glazer was the sole No vote. The following Senators did not vote: Allen, Beall, Jackson, Monning, Newman, Portantino and Wiecowkski.

Sacramento, CA, June 1, 2017 — At the tail-end of a 12-hour Senate session (View 5/31/17 Senate Floor Session from 8:31:52 to the end), the California Senate passed SB.649, a highly contentious Bill that would allow deployment of powerful two-way microwave transmitters on virtually every streetlight, utility pole and other non-pole structure in the public right of way throughout California neighborhoods. The microwave transmitters would be deployed as close as 10-15 feet from second-story windows and would forcibly expose the inhabitants to a never-ending stream of RF/MW radiation 24/7/365. This deployment would violate the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act and the Fair Housing Act. State legislation cannot legally force 1.2+ million Californians out of their homes. SB.649 is destined to pit California cities and counties against the State and, if passed as is, is destined for court, just as in the State of Ohio: 80+ cities in Ohio are suing the State of Ohio over a very similar bill.

•5G is a pipe-dream: it is not even close to being deployed at scale. The engineers understand this. 5G is the „smoke screen/hype machine” being used to sell this vision to the politicians.

•This is actually a real-estate scheme: AT&T and Verizon want to invade CA neighborhoods and secure cut-rate, rent-controlled access to publicly-owned structures (utility poles, light poles, traffic lights, street signs) so they can expand their operations, at will, without regulation. AT&T and Verizon will install 4G/LTE today to make obscene profits now . . . and perhaps never upgrade it to 5G.

•Have AT&T and Verizon behaved like this in the past? Sure. Read about their promises to upgrade the copper wireline networks with fiber-optic cables. After years of promises, and a fraudulent diversion of funds that they received to install the fiber-optic cables, they determined it would lower their costs and maximize their profits to use Wireless for broadband instead — even though Wireless broadband is hazardous, extremely energy-inefficent, much less secure and much less reliable than fiber-optic to the home.

•The real goal is to secure a new source of revenue: cell phone subscriptions are a mature (but still very profitable business); now the Wireless companies want to steal market share from Comcast and other cable companies and charge for data by the gigabyte. How to best do this? Make timely donations to politicians’ local programs to get these politicians to do their bidding, like price-fixing the access price to publicly-owned property to install powerful two-way microwave transmitters 10-15 feet from second story windows in residential neighborhoods.

These full-power microwave transmitters are being called „small cells” by the Wireless Carriers to make them sound innocuous, but the planning department documents for 19 Verizon 4G small cells, deployed in downtown Palo Alto in 2016, state that the input power for each small cell antenna is 300 to 500 Watts. Similar documents for a 2017 Verizon 4G Small Cell deployment in Weston, MA state that each antenna outputs 1,257 Watts of Effective Radiated Power (ERP), a significant RF/MW radiation exposure.

Now consider that each of these small cells is powered by „associated equipment” that is housed in a separate refrigerator-size metal box; these boxes set right on the sidewalk. This dense infrastructure, that is set to invade our neighborhoods, raises three common-sense questions:

1.How much power do these small cells consume 24/7/365? Answer: a lot. In a state with aggressive green energy goals, this unecesssary planned deployment would add loads of greenhouse gasses to the atmosphere.

2.What is the maximum level of RF/MW radiation that these antennas can output? Answer: a lot more than is needed to make calls or texts.

3.Do we actually need to deploy any additional antennas or burn any additional power to spray electricity through the air like this, since 98% of Americans, including Californians can already make calls and texts?Answer: No — 3/2/17 Senate Hearing on Wireless Technology testimony: „97.9 percent of Americans can choose from three network base operators and 93.4 percent can choose from four operators”.

These three critical questions, inexplicably, were not considered by any of the CA Senate Committees that conducted hearings on SB.649 or in the Bill analyses, written about SB.649:


Deployment of Small Cells is Unconstitutional

Unbelievably, SB.649 contains NO on-going monitoring of RF/MW radiation exposures from these so-called „Small Cells”, even though his Bill would allow „Small Cells” to be installed in the public right of way in virtually all CA residential neighborhoods. This represents an insurmountable problem because even though SB.649 states that it must have „compliance with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. Sec. 12101 et seq.)”, such compliance is not possible because deployment of small cells creates an illegal access barrier for over 1.2 million Californians.

Electromagnetic Sensitivity (EMS) is recognized by the U.S. Access Board and is a protected disabled characteristic that affected 3% of Californians in 1998 and affects even more Californians today.
Small cells deployed in residential zones would create an access barrier for the EMS-disabled to their homes and communities. Article I, Section 1 of the California constitution states “All people are by nature free and independent and have inalienable rights. Among these are enjoying and defending life and liberty, acquiring, possessing, and protecting property, and pursuing and obtaining safety, happiness, and privacy.” Small cells would violate inalienable rights to safety and privacy and are, therefore, unconstitutional.

In addition to violating the ADA, also violates the Federal Fair Housing Act. The high-frequency antennas will make most public places, residential housing and federal housing inaccessible for a large and growing percentage of the population who are already injured from excessive exposure to electromagnetic fields.

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