EMF European Defense Agency project launched to assess biological effects of military RF signals

vrijdag, 09 september 2016 - Categorie: Berichten Internationaal

Bron: www.eda.europa.eu/info-hub/press-centre/latest-news/2016/09/06/eda-project-launched-to-assess-biological-effects-of-military-rf-signals
6 sept. 2016

EDA project launched to assess biological effects of military RF signals

Recommendations and guidelines regarding the exposition to pulsed electromagnetic signals are very different depending on the organization which publish it (like it is the case for IEEE or ICNIRP). These discrepancies create some difficulties regarding which guideline to follow.

To have a better understanding on the effects produced by these electromagnetic fields, the European Defence Agency (EDA) has initiated the RFBIO project which was officially launched at a kick-off meeting on 1 September at the EDA premises.

At this stage, there are two EDA Member States contributing to this Category B project: Sweden, as the lead nation, and Germany. Additional Member States are expected to join later.

The RFBIO study is being carried out by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm and the Bundeswehr Institute of Radiobiology in Munich.

Over the next five years, these institutions will analyze the biological effects of Electromagnetic Fields with specific characteristics which have not been completely characterized for the time being.

The duty of care for military personnel is the main driver behind this research project the results of which will benefit the armed forces of all EU Member States.

More information:

Bundeswehr Institute of Radiobiology
radiation-medicine.de/ .
Karolinska Institute in Stockholm
ki.se/en/startpage .

Uiterst merkwaardig dat het Karolinska Instituut één van de deelnemende organisaties is terwijl tegelijkertijd de specialist op dit gebied, prof. Olle Johansson de laan wordt uitgestuurd.

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