Belgische organisaties roepen op tot protestmanifestatie bij EU Congres 16 november
zondag, 03 november 2002 - Categorie: Berichten Belgie
Bericht is vervallen
Invitation for the Protest at the EU Electrosmog Conference in Brussels on the 16th of Nov.
To: all European Anti-Emf organizations
Dear all,
The 2011 International Scientific Conference on EMF and Health will take plake on the 16th and the 17th of November 2011 at the European Parliament in Brussels.
This conference is organized under the auspices of the European Commission's Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR). Althus it is the most important electrosmog-conference for all 27 countries of the European Union!
As can be seen from the programme here:
many speakers are invited, but most if not all of them are directly or indirectly linked to the telecom industry.
And none of the scientists of whom their research has proven that there are harmful health effects of pulsed microwave radiation are invited to speak at the conference! We for instance refer to the following non-invited independent scientists and emf-specialists: L. Hardell, H. Lai, M. Kundi, F. Adlkofer, G. Oberfeld, O. Johansson, M. Havas etc. All of them have confirmed that they have not been invited at this conference.
As we know, the exponential rise of electrosmog in the past decade in every house, school and city has become a major threat to public health. The health of children, millions of electrosensitives and future generations is at stake here! The politicians and the general public need to realize that public health is the utmost important and act accordingly.
That's why during the conference we will protest at the entrance of the EU Parliament on Wednesday the 16th of November.
We demand:
- much less electrosmog with a regulation that fully applies the precautionary principle
- recognition of electrohypersensitivity as a functional impairment (as in Sweden)
We are convinced this EU-conference is the perfect opportunity for us, for the European Anti-Emf Organizations to cooperate and unite our protest.
With this we invite you to protest together with us. Please keep us posted via e-mail at:
Thank you,
Steven Boone (
Luc Leenders (
Christine Duchateau (
Gérald Hanotiaux (Collectif Dé-Mobilisation)
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